Rebirth of a Lotus

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Even if 300 years pass…
I will still love you…

Bak Ha still can’t believe that Tae Yong / Lee Gak is sitting beside her. It was just moments ago when she received the postcard with a drawing of her in it.

Déjà vu.

2 years ago, she received the same invitation. She was in a daze this past few weeks since Lee Gak disappeared right in front of her eyes. Why would fate be so cruel? But now…now…

“Bak Ha-sshi…”

Bak Ha looked at the person who called her, the same eyes, and the same smile. Oh, how I missed that smile.

“Bak Ha…”

“How did you know my name?” she said, hoping that the person in front of her is the person she’s been longing for these past few weeks.

“You introduced yourself a while ago. By the way, my name is Yong Tae Yong” he said smiling. She was crestfallen, No Bak Ha, stop it. The moment Lee Gak went back to the past, Yong Tae Yong claimed his rightful place. But why does it hurt so much? Why did I have those memories of Lee Gak when the moment I would meet his reincarnation, he wouldn’t have the same memories as mine?

Tae Yong looked at Bak Ha intently. For some reason he was drawn to her, he was amused at how she was thinking deeply; she even looked at him and was shocked that tears ran down her face. What shocked him even more was that he was affected by those tears. There was something in this person that draws him more. He wants to dry those tears and ask her the reason for her sadness but he wouldn’t want to scare her away.

Bak Ha looked at Tae Yong and tears fall once more. She was about to go because she couldn’t take it anymore. Tae Yong and Lee Gak are the same person, but why is it that whenever she looks at Tae Yong, her heart skips a beat, her heart yearns for him but is reminded that they are somewhat different? Why is it that he is right next to her but somehow it wouldn't be the same?

Tae Yong sighed and looked up. “You know what? For some reason, I know you. The moment I saw you with that blank stare at your store, I was curious.”

“My store?” Bak Ha asked curiously.

“I was at your store this morning. There was obviously something bothering you. I gave you my order and you did it as if your soul was somewhere else. But somehow I was still curious. You’re like someone I’ve known before. Is that funny?” he laughed nervously.

“No not funny…not even…” She looked at him fondly.

He took her hand and caressed it. He was confused at why he loved looking at her, loved touching her. He was obviously drawn and for some reason he didn’t want to let go.

Bak Ha looks at her watch and knows that she's late. She's about to visit her sister in prison. Luckily, because she saved her despite everything, the offense was not that great; but still she has to pay for grandmother’s death.

“I have to go…” Bak Ha said as she stands up. Tae Yong takes her hand and follows suit. She looks at him curiously.

“I know this sounds strange, and I just met you today but…can we have dinner tonight?” He asked her shyly.

She smiled with him with love in her eyes. “I would love to…”

He looks at her, smiles, and hugs her how I missed your smile. That thought even shocks him.

Even though he doesn’t remember, it’s a start… Bak ha thought as she melted into his embrace.

Finally…the continuation of a destined love, the start and the beginning of something better.


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