Mr bad boy and I

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Meet Joseph Reeds, the typical shy guy. Always sat on his own unless he's with his best friend, Casey Waits. Joe is a shy kid, always has been and always will. He's also somewhat nerdy. Nobody notices him except from when he's getting humiliated. He gets bullied by the "bad boy" of the school. Casey being his only friend, she stays by his side. But how could this one project change his life?

Now Meet Dylan Shadows, the bad boy. Just like the ones you would read about in books. He bullies Joe, but Joe's friend prevents this when she can. Girls swoon when they see Dylan, he's like a god bestowed on this earth by the heavens. He is also your typical man slut, sleeping with every girl he can get his hands on. Except, he holds a secret. A secret not even his two best friends know. But could his secret be revealed because of this one project?

Joseph and Dylan go to Everwood high. It's the end of summer break and it's time to start senior year. They think it will just be any ordinary year. But somebody might get in the way of the true emotions of the two. They'll have to put everything to the test.

Follow Dylan and Joe on a bumpy road to find where they belong.

Mr. bad boy and I (UNDER CONSTRUCTION )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora