Chapter 1, A drunken stupor

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                                                                    Stans POV

It had been a few hours since I had arrived at this stupid party. Only reason I went was cause of my friends and I guess Wendy. She's been a huge bitch lately. Like, I'll try to talk to her and tell her that I don't feel alright and she'll start fucking yelling at me, saying 'Do you ever listen to me? Oh that's right ALL YOU EVER WANNA DO IS TALK ABOUT YOURSELF!" Or some shit like that. She'll make me feel guilty, then she'll go right back to talking about herself, honestly it's annoying. I better get drunk, cause I need to feel something other than this. I mean alcohol is bad for you, but at least I can feel something other than numb.

                                           A few hours later, still Stan's point of view

My vision had started to blur, but that's alright. 

Cause I was finally having fun and I was no longer being as Cartman calls me "A little bitch" I was letting go and having fun for once. But then I realised, my girlfriend was nowhere in sight. I looked for her, couldn't find her anywhere. Asked some friends if they had saw her, none of them have. Now I was starting to get pissed and worried. What if she had gotten kidnapped or she probably just fucking left without me. I continued to search.

A few minutes later

Then I found out there was a basement and I went down there.
And what I saw made me sad and angry at the same time "You fucking whore!" Was the last words that left my mouth as I started to beat the guy who was naked with my girlfriend, up. I bashed his face and I went nuts completely ape shit.
Then when I finally stopped, I left the room and went outside with a bottle of beer, to cry and drink.

Butter's pov

I hadn't wanted to go to this party. Hell I had rather gotten grounded, but you see, I had a huge crush on Stan. Oh yes, a big crush on someone who had a girlfriend and would never go out with someone as pathetic and stupid as me. "Aw hell, 'fellas I need to go out to uh, take a smoke break I'll be back." but, there was no point in that honestly. They wouldn't even notice I was gone. I went outside and breathed in the cold, winter air. It helped me clear my head a bit. Then suddenly I heard cryin' I wasn't sure where it was coming from, but I heard a bottle smash and I headed towards the direction I heard it from, and saw Stan standing over  a picture of Wendy and a broken alcohol bottle. The picture was torn and ripped. Stan was sobbing, he looked angry and upset. I had to ask if he was okay "Stan?" I said, cautiously. He looked over at me his face angry. Then it softened when he saw me "What's up Butters?" He asked, pretending to be okay. "Are you okay?" I asked, I didn't want to be nosy. But I didn't want him to be alone. He might hurt himself or worse hurt someone else.

Stans pov

I just couldn't do it, I couldn't lie. Butters was a good friend to me. So I told him the truth. "W-wendy..c-cheated on me with some Jock.." I answered slurring my words and stuttering a lot. Butters looked sad at what I said. "I'm sorry Stan, that must suck. I always knew she was a whore though.." He stopped looking at Stans drunk, depressed face. "You deserve much better than that whore, Stan." Stan stopped crying and hugged Butters. "Thanks buttrs, ur the best friend I've evar had." He slurred happily. And he pulled away from the hug and leaned in for a kiss, until his friends started walking out the door and he quickly pulled away from Butters acting like he had been throwing up. Then he, Butters, Cartman, Kyle and Kenny left. Kenny had been throwing up a lot so they decided to go home. "That party was lame anyways." Cartman had said as they headed over to Kenny's place.

Butter's pov

I pretended to not be upset, that Stan didn't kiss me like I thought he was. But I couldn't stop thinking about it as I went home and laid in bed. I was glad it was summer break though, so I'll get to see Stan a lot.. Hopefully I'll grow the balls to tell him I like him


Thank you guys for reading this. There will be more soon of course. But I have another fanfic to work on. Byee

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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