Is He Cheating

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No Ones P.O.V
(Y/N) walked into her room (A/N you live with Neji) to see a shirtless Neji in bed.
"Look who finally woke up" (Y/N) said.
"I'm trying to sleep" Neji said, then closed his eyes.
Nejis P.O.V
'Can't she see I'm trying to sleep, She has so much energy maybe she could go with Lee, well she doesn't have as much energy as Lee but, they would be a perfect match. Wait what am I thinking. I do love (Y/N), right'-(Y/N) interrupted my thoughts "Neji are you listening" (Y/N) crossed her arms.
"Huh, yeah I'm listening" I lied.
"Really then what did I say"
"Ummmm.............." I felt something on my stomach, I opened my eyes to see (Y/N) sitting on me.
"You know I hate it when you sit on me" I told her.
"And you know I hate it when you don't listen!" (Y/N) practically yelled at me
"I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, I'll listen from now on" '(Y/N) you can be very confusing sometimes'
"What did you want to tell me" I ask
"The whole gang is going ice skating today. You know, December is the perfect season to ice skate outside." She said excitedly. "And you're coming along!" she smiled 'Wasn't she mad a second ago! (Y/N) you are extremely confusing
"Do we have to go" I say
"Yes we do, so go get ready"
"I can't get ready if you're sitting on me"
"Hn, I know" (Y/N) said as she got of me
"You're one lousy boyfriend, you know that" (Y/N) continued
"Yes, I know that you tell me that everyday" I smiled as I said that 'I don't know why I smiled'
"Hn, we are leaving in 15 minutes got it"
"Yes ma'am" I said as I salute her.
"Neji can be extremely annoying sometimes" (Y/N) mumbled as she walked out
"Hey, I heard that!" 'She's the annoying one'
I get up and go get ready.
(Y/N) P.O.V
"Neji can be extremely annoying sometimes" I mumbled as I walked out
"Hey, I heard that!" Neji yelled, I ignored him
'Why has be been ignoring me, every time I say we're going somewhere he says he wants to stay home or that he's meeting with the guys, does he not love me anymore, is he cheating. No, he wouldn't..........would he''
Time skip (5 minutes)____________
"Why are you crying" Neji says
"I-I'm not crying" I said as I felt my face never mind I was crying.
"Yes you are, may I know why you are crying"
"It's nothing" I lied 'I wish I could tell you but I can't just be like I'm crying because I think you're cheating'
"No, it's something" Neji said crossing his arms
"Uhhh...We should get going we don't want to be late" once I finished my sentence I ran out of the apartment.
Nejis P.O.V
'She's hiding something, I'll ask her later...........It's cold out and she forgot her jacket I guess I'll have to get it for her' I get my jacket and hers too.
"(Y/N), slow down!" I yelled as I run after her
'Why does she run fast only when she's mad or upset'
(Y/N) P.O.V
"(Y/N) slow down" I hear Neji yell, I ignore him and keep running. I ran out of the building to see snow everywhere. 'DAMN IT, I HAD TO FORGET THAT IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF WINTER, NOW I HAVE TO ALL THE WAY BACK AND GET MY JACKET!' I mentally yelled at myself. Neji caught up with me "You forgot your jacket, next time don't forget it and don't run out of the apartment" I take my jacket an put it on
"I can run out of the apartmen if I want, I'm a big girl" I said as I pout. Neji chuckled.
"Uhuh, well then don't run out with out a jacket, I don't need you to get a cold"
"Hn" I crossed my arms and looked away. 'Maybe Neji isn't cheating, maybe he just wants to hang out with his friends, I am annoying sometimes' I thought to my self
"We should go we don't want to be late, right (Y/N)" Neji holds my hand
"Y-yeah" I said as I blushed 'Why do I always blush when he holds my hand'
Time skip (because me lazy)____________
(A/N you and Neji went to the ice skating rink) Once we got there we saw the whole gang already there. Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Ino, Tenten, and well Lees probably training. I run to the table where Ino, Temari, Hinata, Sakura and Tenten are sitting.
"I thought you weren't going to come" Temari said
"This is (Y/N) she's going to be late, like she is late to everything" Ino says
"Hey! Blame Neji not me!" I yell
"Ah I see you where making out" Ino said smirking.
"W-what! Ino!! That's not what happened" 'Why did she have to say that'
"Then what happened" Sakura butts in the conversation.
"I got got mad at Neji that's it"
"Why did you get mad at him" Tenten said 'WHY DID YOU HAVE TO ASK ME THAT'
"W-we shouldn't g-get i-in their b-business" Hinata said witch my the way saved my life
"Hinata has a point" Temari agreed with Hinata
"You guys are boring" Ino said
"Yeah" Sakura and Tenten agreed with Ino
"Guys I have an important question to ask" I say
"What is it" Ino asks
"If your boyfriend ignores you for a week does that mean they're cheating" I asked
Sakura slams her fist into the table "WHAT! If HE'S CHEATING HE'LL WISH HE WAS NEVER BORN"
Nejis P.O.V
I hear Sakura yelling from the girls table "WHAT! If HE'S CHEATING HE'LL WISH HE WAS NEVER BORN"
"What do you think they're talking about" I ask
"Isn't it obvious, they're talking about one of us cheating" Shikamaru responds
Sakura starts to walk up to our table but (Y/N) grabs her arm. They're close enough for me to hear what they're saying "I'm sure Neji's not cheating, he probably wants a break from me" Sakura and (Y/N) go back to the girls table
"So it looks like the Hyūga is cheating on his girlfriend"
"Shut up Uchiha!" I yelled at Sasuke
"What, am I right" Sasuke smirks.
"Sasuke stop bothering him" Naruto said
(Y/N) P.O.V
Sakura and I walk back to the table "If he cheats tell me- Temari interrupts Sakura- tell all of us not just Sakura so we can teach him a lesson"
"You guys are the best" I say smiling
"We know" Tenten said
"So can we consider this a huge... Umm... Penta Date(ShikaTema, NaruHina, SaiIno, SasuSaku, Leeten even if Lees not here)?" Ino said
"Hey! It's not a Penta date if my boyfriends not here!" Tenten practically shouted, they all laughed.
After a while (Y/N) started started to get hungry.
"One sec, I'm goin to get some food" I told the girls. Then I walked up to Neji to see if he wanted to come. "Neji, do you wanna go eat something with me?" I told him.
"Nah, but here's some money." He handed me $20. I frowned but walked away to the dango shop near the rink. When I came back he was still talking to the boys. I quietly ate the dango. It had been 2 hours, and Neji had still not made any gesture towards me. 'I just wanted to spend time with you... Why are you ignoring me? You haven't really talked to me at all this whole time. Come to think of it, you've been ignoring me for a while now' I thought to myself.
"Um... (Y/N) are y-you o-ok?" Hinata asked. The rest of the girls had eaten with their boyfriends at different times. They came over and started to get worried about me. Neji glanced over to see the girls huddled together, thinking nothing was wrong. "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired. I think I'm gonna head home." I said to Hinata. "O-oh ok... I hope you feel better." All the girls nodded.
"See ya, (Y/N)!" They all said as I walked away.
"I wonder what happened... she would usually be really happy." Sakura noted.
"Yeah, whoever did this to her is gonna pay." Tenten said. They all nodded then kept talking. After about another hour, they all started to get tired and started heading home.
"Hey, have you guys seen (Y/N)" Neji said walking up to the girls.
"She seemed really depressed and sad about something, we don't know what. But she left about an hour ago." Ino explained. Nejis face fell.
"Don't tell me you didn't notice she left?!" Sakura literally screamed at him. All the girls were astonished at Neji.
"Erm, I've gotta go." Neji walked off quickly.
Yes I rewrote the chapter and made it longer
It went from 1113 words to 1527 words
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

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