Author's Note

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Hey guys! Glad you decided to check out this book. It contains absolutely amazing and thrilling stories that I've read and absolutely loved. They contain some of my all time favourite books that are simply awesome.

For werewolf book lovers, you have the werewolf books, for vampire-lovers, the vampire books, for teenfiction and new adult, you have teen books. So basically this book contains every genre book so you won't miss out any fun!

They will take you on a rollercoaster where you will cry with tears of anger or happiness, make you throw tantrums, laugh with all your heart and jump with joy.

I will write the author's name, the number of views the book has(they can change overtime)and the number of parts it has. I will also write my own review as well as rate it where I can!

Don't forget to vote and comment your reviews, whether you liked the book or not and if have any other books you could suggest, i would love to add them so that others can read it!

Wish you the best.

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