Left Behind

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"Have fun, Nashi!" her dad tells her for some reason. As if she could have fun in this loud, loud place without even her parents to make it better.

"We're gonna miss you, honey," her mom quietly says.

"Then take me with you! I don't wanna be all alone," she sniffs.

"Oh, Nashi," her mom says, wiping a tear from her cheek. "You won't be alone sweetheart! You'll have all of Fairy Tail with you," she comforts her daughter. "Now go inside and play!"

As she sulks through the guild door she hears her dad yell something clearly meant to comfort her, but she isn't entirely sure what it means: "If anyone touches a hair on your head, Nashi, even Popsicle would beat 'em up for you, and everyone knows that!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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