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kao was walking in the middle of nowhere he has no fUcKing idEa where he is but he just kept walking then he saw... alfred  kao y e e t e d  to alfred and said
"oH hEnLo sEmPI" kao realized wot he said  oh kao you b i g dummy alfred just stood there t-posing kao looked at alded and said "sEMpI nOTiCe mE aLrEadY!11!11!11!1!"
Alfred said "mk" and kissed kao's cheek with his um nAsTy uNcLeAn dOg lIps
Cow blushes "fInALlY u nOtIcEd mE" alfred t-posed away kAo licced the dog saliva
"mMmMmMm" he liked the dIgUstIng aF tAstE for some reason h um TIME SKIP TO TOMORROW   cow decided today was de day he was gon ask alfred to do de yigg yigg with him kao y e e t e d to alfred and sayed "aLfReD wAn dO dE yIgG yIgg wiTh mE ???!?!?" alfred saied "sure" kao's tail waged so much that it flew to ur moms tight puss xd
monika comed out of nowhere and said "yOu gAy fAGgs aRe goiNg tWo hEll"
Alfred slapped monika out of existance and kao threw alfred to their hOuse they got on de bed and yigged it was really gay and l o u d  they got tired and goed to sleep

den alfref ask co w if he would marry him and again kao's tail waged so much that it flew to up my ass and around the corner the smol ram said "yEs" and they lived happily ever fucking after

The fucking end uwu

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