Bakogou x Fem Reader: Sleep

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So there's are one shots that might evolve into stories in the future))

Name: (Y/N)
Age: 16
Fear: Being alone and the dark (aww poor reader))
Quirk: teleportation

(Y/N) Pov))
"I love Halloween!" Yelled her little sister dressed up as a fairy princess. (Y/N) and her boyfriend were dressed as Little Red Riding hood and The Big Bad Wolf.
"Why do we have to be watching over this stupid brat?" The impatient ash blond asked (Y/N)
"Because my parents made me" she relied "and I've said that you could go back" she said as her sister found some of her friends "No way in hell would I leave you alone out here, in that short skirt some fuckers would probably start hitting on you" he growled as he put his arm around her shoulder. (Y/N) couldn't help but blush by what he said, and even though they have been dating for some time things like that still get her flustered. "(Y/N)!! I'm going with my friends!" Yelled her sister and Bakugou smirked softly and before she could say anything he swept her off her feet and sprinted to his house.
After a couple minutes of sprinting and yelling Bakugou kicked open the door and ran up to his room before throwing her onto the bed "B-Bakugou..." she said nervously as he crawled on top of her and looked down into her soft light blue eyes with his crimson red eyes, he leaned in as if he was going to kiss her, but he flopped next to her and wrapped his arms around her "W-wha-" He immediately cut her off with a soft kiss that she easily melted into before pulling away from the loving kiss "Get some sleep" Bakugou said quietly and (Y/N) nodded before she started to close her eyes and drift off to sleep

((Wow that was a lot but hopefully u liked it and I'll probably do more one-shots of anime or shows later! So I'll take requests if u have any!))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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