Chapter 1: Childhood

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I was born on February 18, 2001. I know this is starting out boring, but it gets better, I promise. I was born in and currently live in Lodi, CA. a small but nice town in general. but it is starting to be a lot like Stockton. let's get back to me, wow that sounds conceited. I grew up with an older sister, a mom, and a dad.

I remember when I was in pre-school, we had this little fair at the school, it was fun, the games, i dont really remember, and at one of them, the prizes were pet fish that u could take home and take care of. and I played, and I won a fish! it was the start of our little fish family that we had at our house. god damn it I have a lot to say, we lived in a two story house, downstairs was the kitchen, living room, and dining room. upstairs was bedrooms, and the bathroom. anyways, we had about 5 fish, my trophy fish was the first to enter our home. My sister would tell me things like she would out me in a fucken laundry basket, and push me down the stairs! It sounds like fun, but I don't think I would fit in that laundry basket now. Right now I thought, I'll make my childhood up until sixth grade, because in seventh, is when your like discovering new things, like sex, and penis.

Onto kindergarten. I basically had like two main friends in kindergarten, names are Camryn, and Aspen. I doubt that they will read this anyway so, might as well mention them, fuck it. I remember one time, when I was the attendance sheet person or something, to take the attendance sheet to the office or something, we would always take that persons name, and make words out of it. My teacher said, you have enough R's in your last name to spell, Grrr. and I was like, um, ok. I also remember when I was playing in the barkbox, I was throwing a bunch of bark into the air, and a piece came down, and landed in my throat. I wasn't choking or anythi- oh wait. that was pre-school. oh well, I wasn't choking or anything, but it was just like, stuck in my throat. and then we had snack time right after that, and I swallowed it when I was drinking some juice. that ship has sailed......... into my stomach. I had the chance and I fucken stole that shit!!

let's move onto 2th grade, because nothing happened in 1st grade. I has two main memories from second grade. the first one is, actually 3 main memories. anyways, the first one is a donut memory when my teacher said she was gonna get all of us donuts, and I told my sister and she said, ask her if I can have a chocolate one. and the next day when she was taking our orders, I politely asked, if my sister can have one, and she said, no emily, that is gonna waste all of my money!! the second main memory I have in second grade is when, I had to go the bathroom, and I was too shy to ask, and I just couldn't hold it much longer, do I peed my pants. not like a little, but when I actually asked, and I got up, there was a fucken puddle of urine on my seat. and then I went to bathroom, and I couldn't even wait to pull down my pants, so I just sat on the toilet, with my pants on, and peed. that is like the weirdest memory I have in my years of elementary school. and the third memory I have is this guy I had a crush on in 2 grade. and one time we were partnered up for a reading assignment, and I licked his book page............ I don't fucken know why!! I just did it!

now for 4th grade because nothing happened in third grade. I remember we went on this epic fieldtrip to Columbia State Park!! it was awesome!! we went goldpanning, we went to some old candy shop place, an old dentist office, it was just fucken awesome!!

also, I just wanna say that sometime around here, my grandma passed away. My dad got a call from the hospital she was staying at, and when he walked back into the living room, I was sitting next to my sister, he came in crying and said, she passed away. me and analissa started crying too, it was terrible. I remember what a beautiful funeral it was. I saw my grandma in the casket, she looked beautiful as ever! I love and miss her so much, and writing this paragraph is gonna make me cry. :'( R.I.P Soccoro Guerrero <3

I remember sometime between 4&5 grades, my parents got divorced. its all my moms fault because she's all like, im not gonna be your little get-it-girl, and she moved out, and got a shitty apartment near the library. and about one or two years later, my dad had to move because the bank took our house, and he moved near Millswood. about a year ago, my mom moved to a nicer house across the street from Millswood, now, I can walk to school! also, about nine months ago, my sister decided to stay with my dad, and about six months ago, I decided to stay with my mom, because it would be better for me, and everytime I go to my dads house, I always get bullied and shit by my fucken sister, and her dumbass friends.

thats pretty much it for fourth grade, now to fifth grade. I remember I had the coolest fifth grade teacher ever!! his name is Mr. Woznick, he was so much fun, and he has an awesome love for science. we went on a fieldtrip to the Tech Museum in San Jose!! it was hella fun!! there was one machine where you type in your name, and it can spell it out using letter blocks!! it was awesome! also, there was an exhibit with a dark room, and the floor was lit up, and when u walk on it, these circles would appear where u stand, and they follow you! there were a lot more exhibits, but sadly, I can't really remember..... I remember at the end of the year, our teacher was retiring, so a bunch of our classmates got together. and they threw a bigass surprise party for him in the classroom after recess!! it was fun, but I was sad because they didn't include me in the planning of it all.

next is sixth grade. a lot happened in sixth grade! we went on another fucken fieldtrip to a place in San Francisco! I remember that there were a lot of animals there, we even saw an albino alligator! and when u walk in, there is a fucken gigantical T-Rex skeleton!! there were all kinds of fish there, like jellyfish, and there was a giant aquarium where I can walk in, and its like a tube, there are fish all around you! there were even turtles! sorry about how long this fucken chapter is, a lot has happened in my life. one more thing, my sixth grade teacher retired after teaching our class, so we, I WAS INVOLVED THIS TIME, YES!, put together a whole fucken plan on the last day of school. in the morning, the principal would distract Mrs. Bravo, our teacher, and the janitor gave us the key to the classroom. we set up a bunch of shit, there was cake and fucken caprison drinks, and some of the kids even gave her some presents! and one kid even wrote something to say to her. also there were posters all around the room, saying, Best Story Teller, because she would always tell us stories and shit. her stories were hilarious! and also saying, We'll Miss You! and Best Teacher! I also got my first phone in sixth grade for my birthday.

I also wanted to say that sometime during sixth grade, my cat Flo had to be put down. I remember that day, I woke up for school, my dad told me that she could barely walk. Later that day when I came home from school, she couldn't even stand up, and she looked like the room was spinning to her. We took her to the vet, and they said, I'm sorry, but we have to put her down. I started bawling, when we left, the car ride home, and when we got home, I put on Adele music, and sobbed into my pillow. My dad walked in, asked me if I'm okay, I said no, and he hugged me. it was the second saddest day of my life. :'( R.I.P. Flo Guerrero

so that is it for this chapter.

sorry it was so long, and I have come up with a name to call my readers

we shall be.....................the McEmmy's! if you don't like it, leave me suggestions in the comments

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