Back to Reality

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  "Today's gonna be a good day, today's gonna be fine"

  I mumbled encouraging words to myself as i shoved my new school supplies into my backpack. I checked my phone for the time. 7:32. I was already late.

  "What am i kidding, today's gonna fucking suck" I slam the door of my car shut and make my way to North Ridge High, where i'll be spending the next 9 months of my life in
pain and agony.

  I pulled into a parking spot not realizing it was a designated faculty spot, but i didn't really give a fuck at this point. i opened the creaky door to my 1988 Camaro and hopped out, lookin around for a moment to take in all of the.. bullshit. I never wanted to come back to school, let alone this one.

  I walked up the front steps, i swear everyone was looking at me. I could feel their eyes burning holes into my skin.

  I walked through the front door to see floods of kids, old broken lockers, Ceiling panels missing, holes in the walls. "home sweet home."

  As i was turning a corner i heard someone scream my name. "ashley, ashley!" I turn around to see Michael running full speed at me, so fast i thought he was gonna take me out. He started to slow down as he got closer and practically leaped into my arms. Michael is a lot taller then me, so he pretty much consumed me into his hug.

  "I missed you so much Ash, i'm so glad
your back."
  "I missed you too Mikey." i ruffle his hair a little bit. "But i'm definitely not glad to be back, i feel like everyone's staring, are they staring"
Michael smiles and glances around. "They're definitely looking, but i don't think it's because you got expelled last year, it's probably because you look amazing in that jacket" I smiled and did a little twirl for him.

  Michael and i walked down the hall hand in hand. We Stopped outside my English class. He gave me a little peck on the cheek and made his way down the hall.

  I walked into the room only to be gawked at some more. I made my way to the back of the room and sat in the last seat of the row.

  "That's my seat." I didn't even look up from my phone to see who it was. "i don't give a fuck, find a new one"

  The bell rang and a petite blonde lady with glasses that were clearly way to big for her face came rushing in. She pulled out some papers and began handing them out. "and so it begins." I slam my head down on the desk and close my eyes. 

  I wake up to the sound of the bell ringing and everyone getting up to leave. As i was making my way out my teacher had said my name and a couple of other things, but really i wasn't in the mood for it today, so i gave her the finger and continued making my way out.

  I didn't know where my next class was and i didn't bother to check where it was either, i just kept walking. I came to a door that led to the court yard, i opened the door and made my way to one of the old rotting picnic tables and sat down. I rested my head on the table and dozed off.

  "Ms. Frangipane." I looked up to see principle Bartlee at the door. "I'm going to need to see you in my office." i groaned and practically threw myself off the bench and followed him through the door.

  He took me to his office, where he sat me in a smelly old office chair.

  "Welcome back Ashely, it seems you've already made an impression on the students and teachers." I rolled my eyes. "Ashley, you're lucky we even gave you a chance to come back here after what you've done.

  I started to get a little heated. I stood up and put my hands on the edge of the desk and leaned in closer to him.

  "listen to me, i don't care what you think happened or what you think i've done, but i can guarantee this is the last place i wanna be, i didn't choose to come back here, i didn't want your second chance"

  I picked up my things and stormed out of his office, making sure to flip everyone off on my way out. I made my way out the front door, down the steps and to the parking lot. I opened my door , threw my shit into the passenger side, and got in.

  I could feel my face getting hot and the tears forming in my eyes. I leaned my head on my steering wheel and let the tears fall from my eyes

"this fucking sucks"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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