The unpleasant Guest

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Just when everything seemed right, there was quiet knock at the old and heavy door. You were able to see the confusion on mine and Ginnys face, whilst on Rons there was a secret grin to be recognized.

Molly stumbled towards the door and opened it with a sqeak to reveal the smiling small Lavender Brown. She seemed as happy as ever, just like all of us and a flash of excitement could be spotted in the spark of her eyes. I had completely forgotten that she was supposed to come over for a few days because her parents flew off a week before school started and she had nowehere to stay. She kept on crying all about it to Ron as they were close friends until he offered her to stay at the Burrows to make that girl finally shut up.

"Hello my dear, come in come in. We were just celebrating that Mione and Ginny got Head and Deputy Head prefect" Molly smiled

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, I appreciate it" Lavender said

To me the girl always had something unusually fake about her. Her secret attitude when she wanted something or the way she played the nice and innocent one, when really she wasn't. But she was Rons friend and if it made him happy that she stayed here, Im happy.

We all ate dinner together and talked  about the upcoming weeks.

"Oh we have to visit Quality Quidditch Supplies Mom, please, I have to be a good representative as Deputy Head!" Ginny stated

"I am definetley going to Flourish and Blotts" I whined after

"Not before I go to Ollivanders" Ron threw in. He managed to break his wand again.

All seemed well exept for Harry which seemed a little uncomfortable. He never met my eyes and had this nervous look on his face and I could not and would not ask him infront of everyone. I had to wait until we were alone. From what I could examine he was throwing glares at Ron, who gave him an "I dont care" look back.

As we were finished chatting and the clock seemed to read a time past midnight, we decided to go to bed. A hot chocolate given us on the way by Mrs. Weasley and we all stroked to bed in our pijamas.

It was a very warm night and because I kept on reading my book, not like Ginny who fell asleep instantly, the room had warmed up and the air was suppressive which made it impossible to fall asleep.

I wanted to get some cold water from downstairs and jumped on my tip toes to the door. I stopped using my wand to light my way a long time ago at the Burrows. Since I have spent so much time in this place and completely know it off by heart. This house and these people were like my family, and nothing could take that from me.

Just as I quietely opened the door I was met with a pair of green eyes with a look of despair inside them, accompnied by a lantern.

"Harry! What are you doing here. Ginnys already asleep?" I whispered with a smile on my face

Harry examied my smile for a while after stating "Oh..uh no...i wasnt..coming for Ginny...just wanted to see if you were awake"

He behaved oddly. "Lets go grab some water" I suggested, nodding him into the right direction. He had his difficulties without his glasses, even at the Burrows.

"What was up with you and Ron today at dinner?" I asked


"Harry come on just tell me, I wont tell"

"Look mione i really......"

We were broken off by some giggles and a hushed conversation in the living room, infront of the still open fireplace. "Who could that be?" I thought to myself. Maybe Molly and Arthur, I dont want to disturb them. But wait, hadnt I seen them going to bed? Just as these questions flew through my head I heard Rons laugh. But he was accompanied by someone. That someone was sitting infornt of the fire whilst Ron was on the couch. She had long, blonde, curly hair and a look of lust on her face. Lavender. I was just about to say 'hi' and join them when Harry put his hand infornt of my mouth. He pulled me behind the wall and spun me around so I could face his lost eyes.

"Look Mione..... I tried I really tried to talk to him..I did... and I was never sure how to tell you... but.....I dont want you hurt.. but also not oblivious..Im not going to say anything to you..but I think you should just see for yourself" Harry pleaded.

I obeyed, unsure of what to expect but I could see that it broke Harry apart. But what and who? I turned around again to observe the situation.

"Has tiny whiney Hermione finally let you in or is she still playing purity with you?" Lavender laughed

" I honestly don't know what to try anymore she just wont let me do anything and thats so boring, SHE is so boring. I thought things would get more interesting with her soon but its so plain, its not even normal anymore. There are no surprises I know what she will do every day and there is not a time since we have been together that I found her sexy, exept for the time we kissed in war, but I guessed that was because of the moment."

"Poor you Ronny. I know exactly what you mean, but dont worry, you have me" she whispered

As she got up to her knees and started unbottoning her shirt revealing a lace bra that seemed to be irresistable for Ron.

"but shes in the house, she will hear" Ron said worridly

"And? Even if she will. You can talk yourself out, I know you can Ronny. I cant wait, i just want to feel you. Right NOW" she begged making Ron want her even more. He casted a silecing spell, went down and met with her lips, she was pulling on his collar and finally took his shirt off hastily when they fell to the ground and kised passionetely.

I was watching.

I did not realise waht was happening

It just couldnt be happening

My eyebrows sank down and the waterfall crashed. What I saw as my family, as my safe place, as my love, it was wrecked. completely and utterly shattered.

There were infitnite statements and quations sprinting through my mind. Pictures, moments of us that from now on would only be a past and longing memory, something forever unreachable.

"How long?" I sobbed

"A couple of months" Harry said. You could hear the sadness in his cracked voice. He himslef was unable to speak as he knew what Ronald has forever thrown away.

"Look Mione...its-

But i couldnt hear what he said, as iIstormed off into my room, locked the door behind me and flew onto my bed. Burrying my embarrassed face into my pillow in which I screamed all night long. I didnt sleep for a second. My mind would not let me. I just kept on seeing Ron and Lavender, together, united.

The amount of pain that came out of my cries was undescribable. I couldnt breathe and seemed to suffocate. Its like dying again and again everytime a sound leaves my lips.

My heart was wrecked and there seemed to be no possible way for me to fix it...

So that was the second chapter and i really hope you enjoyed it. as i said if you have anything to say about it, just drop a comment. thank youuu

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