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"i'll wait for you, babe
that's all i do, babe
don't come through, babe
you never do, because i'm
pretty when i cry"

y/n was taken like a child picking up a toy, it was that easy. And she didn't even know it, she lost consciousness.

She woke up in a room filled with her mother's things. y/n looked around with a frightened look on her face. She shut her eyes, thinking it was all just a dream, but it wasn't.

She got up from the floor and walked towards a picture frame, it was the same Polaroid that she had in her room. The one she was crying about the other day.

y/n felt a single tear roll down her cheek. She shut her eyes, trying to stop the tears. But they continued to fall.

Once she opened her eyes again, she saw that the picture, had blood dripping from it.

"What the hell." She whispered.

She dropped the picture and turned around and ran towards the door but it was locked.

"Oh fuck, jesus help me."

She tried to open the door again but nothing happened again so she turned around and there stood her mother.

"Oh honey, now why would you want to leave me?" Her mother smiled as she touched y/n's  hair. "You can stay here with momma. Just like the old days when we would hang around and have fun."

y/n flinched and pushed away her "mother" away, she tried to get away from her.

She blinked and once she looked back up, she saw that horrifying clown wanting to feed on her fear.

Richie peddled fast towards the creepy house.
Once he got there he dropped his bike and walked towards it. He gulped and started walking up towards the stairs.

"Richie!" Beverly yelled. "Richie you can't go in there! This is crazy."

"Look you don't have to come in with me." Richie cried. "You know that stupid clown in there just took the only girl who I ever loved. And that stupid clown will keep taking what it wants if we don't stop it. So I'm going into that shitty house just for her."

Richie slightly opened the door as the losers began to walk behind him, but were stopped by Stan.

"Wait. Um shouldn't we have someone keep watch?" Stan looked around. "You know just in case something happens."

"Who wants to stay out here?" Richie asked.

Half the group raised their hands accept Bill, Richie and Beverly.

Bill, Richie, and Eddie walked into the house. They looked around with fear in their eyes.

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