Chapter 1

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The rain pelted against the cloaked back of a woman as soon as she entered through the portal. /great, I should have checked the weather/. A sigh left her lips as she looked at her surroundings. Tall buildings lined the dark alley she stood lonesome in, and the dark clouds above didn't do much to help the scenery. A crack of lightning lit up the sky, followed by a roaring thunder clap that scared a few stray cats out of the trash bins that littered the alley. She tugged on the hood to cover her face from the large drops falling above. She needed to move, she didn't have all night.

It was a short walk to the apartment complex, one that still took too long in her opinion. Not being able to use demonic powers in the earthly plane for fear of anyone seeing was a pain in the ass.

"'Remember, Raven. Go in secret, and don't let anyone see you.'" Her fathers words rung in her head.

Rolling her violet eyes, she stopped infront of the old building. It was made of stone and the metal stairs that stood outside the windows looked close to falling off, but that didn't phase the cloaked women. Instead she looked around, the streets were bare and the dark clouds were enough to hide the girl. So she let herself fly up the side of the building, an eye and ear out for any passerby's. It was a short trip up the five stories, and she easily made her way through the already open window. She paused for a moment. She knew this man well enough to know that he wouldn't leave anything unlocked. She was quiet, the years of training paid off as she stepped on the carpet, the room was pitch black and she stayed perfectly still as her eyes adjusted.

Lightning lit up the sky, and effectively the room too. Raven held her breath as the few seconds of light showed a women leaning over the bed of the same man she was after. Her lips were hovering over the sleeping man's lips. When the darkness wrapped the room once more, Raven let her eyes focus. She quietly stepped into the room, not letting her presence known to the stranger.

This isn't right, he lives alone. No one should be here tonight.

Another flash of lightning lit up the room. The woman stood taller than Raven, her hair was long and red. The flash of lightning was enough for the cloaked girl to see the face of the stranger. Her skin was tanned, the muscle under her outfit showed, though there wasn't much of the purple garb to begin with.

"'If anyone catches you, kill them.'"

And that she must do. Slowly, black orbs swallowed pale hands as she surveyed her surroundings. The last thing she wanted was to wake him.

"Who are you?"

The girl jumped in surprise and her green eyes focused on Raven, before immediately falling to her hands. A frown formed.

"The boy is mine, back away." Raven's voice was stern, breaking through the sound of the heavy rain.

"What do you plan to do with him?" Her voice loud and awkward. Raven sighed as the once peacefully sleeping man jumped awake. His eyes followed the conversation with fear once it landed on the cloaked figure.

"Shit." He murmured.

"Business." She did not have time for this, so she turned her focus to the man. "Dick Grayson, you have failed to report back to Trigon. You must go or face punishment for your actions against Azarath." She went to take the man from his bed until green flashed before her eyes, hitting the wall behind her.

"Do not touch the human!" The woman yelled, her eyes were glowing more as she slowly rose into the air. Raven sighed and turned to look at her.

"This human has done crimes against Azarath and must be punished." Another flash of green flooded her vision before she knew it, but Raven was able to dodge the strike. That was enough to piss the young demon off. Not only has she been chasing this asshole for months, now she has to deal with this.. thing. Her eyes slowly turned to red, her cloak casting an even darker shade over her face. She was too busy letting out some anger to notice Dick run out his door, and almost too busy to notice faint police sirens from what she can only assume came from concerned neighbors. Quickly her eyes came back to her normal purple as she landed on the floor. Rushing to the window she could see the faint lights of the police. Shit.

The women looked out the other window, then back at the cloaked girl, but she was already gone.

Hope you've enjoyed the first chapter! I've had this idea in my head for a really long time. Please stay safe and see you in the next one!
P.S: I promise I don't hate Robin

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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