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Peter let out a huff as he ran down his apartment building with his shirt hanging low and his bookbag half closed as he ran towards the train station in a hurry.

He woke up late.

Not really a surprise as he was up late creating new webs for his suit. He fell asleep on top of his desk.

When he woke up he had the print of his pencil stuck to his left cheek as he looked at the clock.

7:30 it read as he only had 15 minutes to get to the train station. Otherwise he would miss the train and would have to wait another hour to get on the next one and by then hed be more than an hour late to school. And thats not him.

He woke up throwing random clothes on frantically as he ran out the apartment door before May, his Aunt that he lives with could question him.

Hes running towards the train as he looks down to see what exactly he put on.

He looked down to see a dark red shirt and some dark blue jeans. He sighed as he thought he looked okay.

He began slowing his pace as he believed he had time, he was almost to the train doors as he heard a noise.

His eyes widened as he knew that sound. At that, he ran off faster than before as he reached the doors pounding on them as the train began to move. He didnt stop banging on the door.

He suddenly began loosing hope as his hits became weaker before the doors suddenly opened and he silently cursed in relief.

He found an empty seat in the back as he was letting out long huffs. He wasnt necessarily out of breath.. more flustered than tired.

People giving him weird looks as he ran into the train. He didnt care, he was used to those looks at this point.
- - - -
School. You guessed it. Im not that popular..or well..popular at all.

I walked into the building still looking disheveled as I was carrying half my books because they fell out of my bookbag.

Im walking down the halls with my head down as im trying to call Ned to tell him about last night, but as I press his # for the 3rd time I fell down.

All of my books fell out of my hands and I fell straight on my butt. Great. I looked up to meet the eyes of someone with a spec of golden brown in them.

My breath hitched at the sudden contact as they were already staring back at me. I gulped as they began to speak.

"H- here let me help you with that" the girl speaks as she looks down to see my books scattered on the floor.

I suddenly becomes shy as I realize my appearance and became embarrassed. I wish I met her on a better day. My eyes havent left her face as she scrambled my books up.

She looks back up to only be met once again by his own chocolate orbs.

She hands me my books as our hands touch.

The smallest contact, can make the biggest impact.

Peters breath hitches once more as their eyes havent left eachothers.

"Uhm. Im Kaylie." The girl says as she puts her hand out. He gulps.

Peter throws his stuff in one arm as he gets the other one free. His eyes find their way back to hers as he finally introduces himself as well.

"Hi, im Peter.." he says connecting their hands once more only to be shaken as they both get up off the floor.

Peter coughs bringing both of their attention back to reality. Peter stumbles to stand up as she swiftly gets up brushing the dirt off of her black ripped jeans.

He stared in awe as someone as pretty as her could rock such a down to earth look.

His eyes snapped out of it as she began another sentence.

"I guess I better get going." She says as she tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear as her head slowly bends down.

She walks past him down the hall as everything seemed to go in slow motion. But thats not what happened at all, everyone was all just minding their own business making their ways through.

He watches her walk down the hallway as he gulps once more. His eyes don't leave her moving figure until she disappears around the corner.

Peter is still staring down the hall as someone puts their hand on Peter making him jump out of his skin. He turns around wide eyed as he hops 1 foot away.

"Jesus Ned you scared the hell out of me." Peter pants as he looks down towards that one hallway once more. Her presence stuck in his head.

"You know for someone whos spiderman" Ned leans in as he whispers the word spiderman, "you get scared so freaking easily." Ned observes.

He laughs as he puts his hand over the back of his neck and rub it as he awkwardly laughs, red surfacing on his cheeks as the thought of the occurrences that just happened a moment before have yet to leave his mind.

Definitely meant to publish this in the summer...

Anyway.. heres my first Tom Holland story? :)

Hope you enjoyed?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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