Final Four Minutes

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So I found out that if you get cut in half, you die in around four minutes. This is sadstuck, you can already guess who the star is.

== > Be Eridan                

So this is how it ends, huh?

Guts on the floor, blood everywhere. Half my torso across the room.

The pain is agonizing, but I guess this is what I deserve for my sins. I close my eyes and try to not feel the stinging at my waist.

I look to my left, and I see my science wand. I sigh. I remember when Seahorsedad gave it to me for my second wriggling day. I chuckled as I reminisced the day when I pretty much destroyed my entire hive. Seahorsedad was so pissed.

My thoughts drifted to Fef. My first flush crush. Seahorsedad introduced us when we were about 4 sweeps old. We instantly became moirails, and I helped her from clamps thrown into the sea and plastics that get tangled in her hair.

I have always loved her, even doing the beginning of our moirallegiance. Thogh she always had feelings for another, who couldn’t appreciate the affection she was giving him. Nothing made my blood boil more than seeing some lowblood troll dismissing such a sweet troll’s love.

I feel so sorry for killing her now. I had no idea what had gotten into me. I grieved for days, I couldn’t get over the fact that I had murdered the girl I loved so much.

I feel horrible.

I push Fef out of my mind, knowing that she’s finally somewhere she can be happy.

But what was left of my blood content boiled when I thought of the troll that stole my Fef away.


He had always had it in for me. He constantly threw cans and old wires into the sea, just to annoy me. He even managed to form a matespritship with Fef! He didn’t even truly love her, he saw his old matesprit in her- Aradia, I think- and dated her just like that!

He is the very bane of my existence.

But I have to admit, I’m going to miss him.

His constant tormenting drove me to try and become more powerful, but look where that wounded me up.

I let out a sigh. Vris woud be laughing at my helplessness if she were here. Her moirail slicing her ex-kismesis and all.

I won’t forget our FLARP sessions, even though I have never won. She would make fun of me for days, and taunted me into another session. And everytime I would fall for her taunting.

I chuckle.

I guess I’m just weak like that.

After she got Tav and the others into FLARPing, she started to ignore me, and slowly, we FLARPed less and in the end, our kismesitude didn’t work out.

I’m going to miss everyone.





Even Nep.

I feel horrid for being such a pain to them. I destroyed their only hope of saving our race from extinction.

What irony for a hope player.

I can feel the last bits of life draining away as my seconds tick off the clock. I’m starting to runout of blood to lose

Thank you everyone for giving me one hell of a life. I’ll miss all of you. I’m sorry. Goodbye.

I close my eyes, and let out one final breath.

I hate this it's so short. It's like 11pm here what am I doing I should be sleeping of something.

Ok bye lovelies (=^w^=)

Final Four MinutesWhere stories live. Discover now