Chapter One

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Her piercing scream could be heard from across town. A weakened smile was forced across my face as I continued my shift, walking up and down the brainwashed streets, but it was all for show because I know that they don’t belong here.

 Why the capital is doing this to these poor and innocent people, I don’t know and the whole idea is too abstract to wrap my head around. It might be for scientific research, or it might just be for a good laugh, but either way it isn’t fair.

 There’s no way anyone can twist this situation around to make it seem right because it isn’t. It never could be.

 Nobody smiled.

 Nobody spoke.

 The world is black and white and they’re all living in a tiny bubble that doesn’t even slightly resemble modern day society, but they don’t even know that.

 The grey buildings seemed to be mocking the girl’s cry. She didn’t belong here. None of these people did, but it’s the law and nobody, other than her, knew to challenge it. They were all brainwashed, but somehow she remembered, she remembered it all.

 I admired her courage and strength.

 I like to think that the black streets represented the capital’s rotting soul, but if I ever spoke the words out loud my execution would be guaranteed.

 Little kids grow up believing that they’ll eventually obtain their dream job, but it isn’t true. I’m not happy with who I am and who I’ve become. I never wanted to end up like this.

 There was no escape, the walls were closing.

 We had meant for all the citizens to be brainwashed and left with no memories of life before the law, but something had broken through the girl. The bird we had been hoping to cage had slowly grown to break free. Her inner memories and knowledge were screaming for freedom.

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