ian mckinley (fd3) - best friends

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Ian, Erin and Y/N are all best friends but Y/N wants more than that from Ian (Erin and Ian aren't dating in this)
No one understands what I feel for my best friend Ian McKinley. He is a loner, arrogant, naive, cocky and much more, but honestly I don't care. I just am drawn to him and it is hard to explain why. It started when the whole of our senior class went to the fair to celebrate the upcoming graduation.
We were all talking about how we couldn't wait for graduation to come so we could get the hell out of this shit town, when that preppy girl Wendy came towards us with her camera; she seems to bring everywhere, may I add. "What Wendy" Ian whined to Wendy, to which she just gave us a sarcastic smile and took our photo. I made sure to get out of the shot as I did not want to get my picture taken. Ian stood with one hand up, trying to block the camera, the other holding the toy gun we won from one of the stalls. Erin was looking at the camera, but had one hand covering the majority of her face, the other holding up her middle finger.

I laughed as I watched Ian blink repeatedly, trying to regain his vision, whilst Erin just gave Wendy and her 'school spirit group' a sour look

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I laughed as I watched Ian blink repeatedly, trying to regain his vision, whilst Erin just gave Wendy and her 'school spirit group' a sour look. This made me laugh even more, causing Ian to put one of his hands over my mouth and look me in the eyes, mumbling "Shut up" also. My laughter soon died down and I looked back into his eyes, something about them stopping me from looking away. A low cough brought me and Ian out of our trances, Ian's had immediately dropping from my face, and without realising, bringing a small pout onto my face. Erin raised one of her eyebrows at us, silently asking us what just happened. I just looked down and shook my head, a faint blush forming on my cheeks, and started to walk towards the next ride.

"Let's go on The Devil's Flight!" I exclaimed, a grin noticeably on my face. Ian chuckled and Erin shook her head at my excitement. "Keep that attitude up and you'll belong in oh so 'wonderful' Wendy's group!" Ian teased to me, to which I replied with a mumbled "Fuck off McKinley" and grabbed ahold of his hand, dragging him along with me. I spark ran up my arm upon realising what I have done, and by the looks of it, the same happened to Ian. Erin just stood next to us, clearly amused by the situation. I rapidly went to move my hand, only for Ian to grab ahold of it again. A very obvious blush formed on my cheeks, and a small one on Ian's too. Erin just rolled her eyes, shouting "Come on, lovebirds!" And moving more into the queue of the ride. Me and Ian followed, hands still interlaced, leaving me in a daze.

We were now nearing the front of the queue, the 'preppy pack' a row in front of us. Wendy was clearly very scared of the ride, which Erin, Ian and I found extremely funny. "I want to ride up front" I claimed to the others, and Ian agreed with me. "I don't mind being in a cart by myself" Erin shrugged as the line started to move. Wendy was still freaking out about the rollercoaster, so Erin said to her, "A rollercoaster is just elemental physics, a conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy" Ian then chimed in, "Yeah, odds are like one in 250 million of dying in a rollercoaster." Jason the jock then just sarcastically said "Yeah, yeah thanks for that, McKinley" a spark of anger rushed through me when Jason said that because of the tone, so out of instinct I squeezed Ian's hand, he just rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand and whispered an "It's okay" into my ear. As the preppy princess possé moved down the line more I just shouted "You're more likely to die driving to an amusement park, than dying AT one" just to at least make it known that what Ian was saying was backed up because who does that jackass think he is? What just because he's some big jock doesn't mean he can treat us like we're lower than him, plus he was just shutting us down because he isn't all that smart himself, so those 'odds' and 'facts' just went straight over his head.

Ian could tell that I was still riled up, so he moved his hand from mine and started to rub it up and down my arm, somehow instantly soothing me. Erin just stared at us like we were insane and told us to "get a room", which I just stuck my middle finger up at her for saying. We were now at the front of the queue and the guy told us to go to a row, however it wasn't row one like we wanted. "Um sorry but we kind of wanted to ride up front" I told him and Ian nodded. He just sighed and told us "okay" and to wait next to him. "Hey guys there's a spare row near the back of this cart so I'm just going to get on this one" Erin told us. We just asked her if she was sure, to which she replied with "I'm going to be riding by myself anyway, so this doesn't make any difference to me" we nodded to her as she went to sit in a row.

I saw out the corner of my eye Ian was looking at me, so I looked back at him and just smiled. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist, instantly making me feel at home for some weird reason and I relaxed back into his chest. He kissed the top of my head so I spun around and looked up at him, since he was about three inches taller than me. He smirked down at me and moved one of his hands to cup my face, which I relaxed into. I shut my eyes and felt something warm on my lips. It took me a moment to register what was going on. Ian McKinley was kissing me. My best friend Ian. The Ian who I have spent everyday with. The loner, arrogant, naive, cocky Ian. It was then that I realised that all the hand holding and arm rubbing that was going on prior was not just something that Ian my best friend could do.

No best friends act like that.

Holy shit I like Ian, like really like him, and not just as a best friend.

He seems to like me back, you know, because we're kissing. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, one of my hands tangling in his hair. He lets out a sound of appreciation and bites on my lower lip. I give him access and it feels like heaven. We are completely lost in each other when a scream breaks us out of our trance. We both look over to who's annoying enough to interrupt us only to find who? Wonderful Wendy of course. Note the sarcasm. We both cuss under our breaths and watch the scene unfold in front of us, arms still around each other. Throughout the whole thing, I hear Ian whisper in my ear "After this chaos is over, wanna go back to my place?" I look up to him and peck him on the lips, whispering back "I would love to." Ian beams down at me and kisses me once more. He pulls me closer if that is possible and hugs me tight. This is going to be something to remember.

author's note: will do a part two if requested, notice how Ian and Y/N never got on the ride in the first place?? thanks for reading! 1344 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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