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🕷┊͙ LEE BEOMSEOK┊🕸❝ call me selfish cause i got meand nobody else

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call me selfish cause i got me
and nobody else.

✞ beomseok may only appear to be      twenty one years old, but he's lived many upon many of life spans, and has many more to live out

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✞ beomseok may only appear to be twenty one years old, but he's lived many upon many of life spans, and has many more to live out. throughout his thousands of years of life he's traveled all across the world, and enjoyed watching history unfold in front of his very eyes. he is very prideful of the fact that he's met many of historical figures, and was once a prince of a place that is now long gone. and although he hasn't been a prince in many of years, he still maintains wealth that could last him decades to come, and keeps his demanding presence.

 and although he hasn't been a prince in many of years, he still maintains wealth that could last him decades to come, and keeps his demanding presence

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✞ as of late, he's the owner of a worldwide famous fashion company, and lays low in america. he's grown to be very dorky and loving, but kinda hesitant to make long lasting relationships, because due to his living forever he's lost many loved ones. the man enjoys staying up late and watching horror movies, serial killer documentaries, or his favorite 80's movies. he'll more than likely force you to watch them alongside him if he's taken a liking to you, and spoil you with all your desires as a thank you. he's far too generous and loving; but not forgiving in the slightest. second chances has never been a thing he believed in.

 second chances has never been a thing he believed in

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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