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many trigger warnings.

i decided to write a short book that involves actual real life situations.

if some parts of the book aren't accurate, i sincerely apologized in advance.

i didn't make this book to piss anyone off, i didn't make it because i wanted to make fun of depression in any way.

and if you seriously think i would do that, then i don't know who the fuck you think i am to do bullshit like that.

i know a lot of kids dealt with depressions, especially at a young age.

and i know how hard it is for certain people.

if you know you're going to get triggered or pissed off, please stop reading the book now or i'll delete your comments, and such as block you if necessary.

i decided to write this short story just so some people can relate to something.

something that can address these real life situations.

i'm going to rush through this book but make it as best as i can.

please dm me if you are ever feeling any type of way where you need to talk to someone, i'll listen and try my best to help. i promise.

to the people who are going to start bullshit about me and/or my book, i have dealt with many problems.

you have no idea what other people go through, how good they are at hiding their emotions.

so shut the fuck up before you start judging anyone.

i guess you could say i wanted to write this book since i've been feeling an uneasy feeling.

the stress i'm continuously feeling is a difficult situation and i guess i just want to write something relatable.

here's my book, reality.

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