Chapter 17 - Changing plans

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Btw, enjoy the pic above, it's my home screen😂😂😂😂👊👊👊👊👌👌👌👌😎😎😎😎😎😎😜😜😜😜😏😏😏😏

Lauren's POV
"What do we do now?" I ask. "We have to move. Staying here will only make it worst." Hotch states with a deep frown. "Where to?" Steve asks as we gear up. "Is there anywhere close by that's secluded to minimise casualties?" He asks. "Sure, the docks." Steve nods. "Let's go." Hotch agrees before we all speed off in a line of cars.


We pull up to the docks, parking behind a line of shipments. "Okay, here's how we'll play it. JJ, Commander McGarrett, Detective Williams and I will take point. Lauren, I want you, detective Kelly and officer Kalakaua to cover the south side of the docks. Morgan I want you, Rossi and Prentiss to cover the north side. Reid, I want you, captain Grover, officer Stokes to take the west side and finally, we have Garcia and Jerry as our eyes and ears. We want to box him in. Spread out if you have to." He instructs. We all slip on our earpieces before heading into our designated positions. "Team south is in position." I inform the others through the earpiece as we reach our designated spot. "Team north in position." I hear through the earpiece. "Team west are in position." The remaining team checks in. "Team alpha reading you loud and clear and in position." Hotch's voice confirms through the earpiece. "We're good to go." Steve states. "I can't believe we actually get to catch this guy." I whisper. "Yeah." Chin and Kono nod. "Be prepared, he's here." Hotch informs everyone. "Ailani?" We hear his distant voice. "Morgan, he's in your perimeter." I whisper. "I don't got a clear shot." He replies. "Hotch?" I check in. "Here." He replies.

Hotch's POV
"Mr. Kalili, I'm Aaron Hotchner unit chief of the BAU in the FBI." I introduce myself. "This is SSA Jeniffer Jareau my colleague and this is commander McGarrett of Five-0." I introduce the rest. "What the hell?! Where's my sister?!" He spits, pulling out a gun. "Now, now Damien. Let's not be hasty." Commander McGarrett warns as we all point our guns at him before he gets a chance. "Where, is, my sister?" He growls. "Damien, we have your sister and she's safe. But we need to talk to you. Now, how we do that is totally up to you." JJ explains calmly as she steps closer. "I want to see my sister." He snaps. "We can arrange that. But we need to know you'll cooperate." She nods. "I want to see her!!" He repeats. "Okay, Okay." I nod. "Ailani!" I call out and she appears from behind a shipment. "Hay Damien." She smiles at her brother. "Ailani!" He finally calms down. "Damien you have to listen to these people. Do what they ask you." She explains. "No, we're getting out of here." He shakes his head as he reaches for her hand. "No Damien!!!" She snaps. "You need to listen to the cops!! You screwed up, and now we're all paying the price!!" She yells. "We're leaving." He states firmly. "I don't think so." I disagree. Lauren, Morgan and captain Grover's team surround them. "Damien, don't be stupid." Lauren coaxes. "Make the right choice. For you and your sister." She reminds him.

Lauren's POV
He stands there, emotionless, and in shock. He suddenly raises his gun towards Ailani and I can hear the yelling of Hotch and JJ's seemly distant voices. Two gun shots echo and he falls to the floor. "No!!!" Ailani screams, running to Damien's limp body. "Ailani, Ailani...he's gone..." I hear Morgan whisper as he holds her back. Steve and I kneel down, performing CPR. "Come on Damien!!!" I huff. "Come on, come on!!!" I exasperate. "Lauren, it's done." Steve pulls me over. I sit there on the ground, my hands red with his blood. "No!!!!" Ailani screams. "I'm sorry." Morgan sighs before he lets her go. She drops down, holding her brothers hand as she sobs. "Ailani, I'm really sorry..." I try to console her. "Get away!!!" She sobs. Soon paramedics arrive and officially pronounce him dead. The ambulance drives away with him and Ailani inside. "You Okay?" Hotch asks. "Never is when it ends like this." I sigh as I clean my hands with a wet cloth. "We did our best. At least he won't be killing people and maybe Ailani can move on with her life, she hasn't got anything left here." He shrugs. "I guess." I agree halfheartedly. "Hay um, let's talk over drinks. I need something to calm me after today." I suggest to Hotch. "Um, are you sure? You don't have to go back to work?" He asks. "All that's left is paperwork and after action reports and Steve usually does those. Come on, I want to talk. I'll bring Emily along too." I nod. An hour later, the three of us sit in a secluded corner of SideStreet, sipping our drinks. " know...I still remember the day Emily introduced you to us. I remember you took one at one of our files and saw something 7 expert profilers had missed." Hotch chuckles at the distant memory. "...and I remember how scared I was. My ex had followed me to Hawaii and I was worried he'd found out about the adoption and that he would try to follow me to D.C. You and Emily made sure that didn't happen." I state, nursing my drink. "You were gifted at this work, even then. It was your calling and I'm glad everything else worked out." Emily smiles. "I never truely thanked you guys for what you did. You saved my life. My child's life. Without the help you gave me, I wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't have the amazing husband I have and the amazing work that I have and the wonderful children that I have and I wouldn't have gotten to reunite with my child." I state to the pair with a grateful smile. "Friends right?" Emily raises her glass with a smirk. "Friends." Hotch and I nod, raising our glasses. "Salute!" We all snigger as we clink glasses. "I hope you were planning to tell me someone had tried to kill Emily." I state to the pair with halfhearted anger once once taken a sip of my drink. "Um about that..." They both avoid my gaze guiltily. "You should've told me!" I smack Emily's arm playfully. "We didn't want to worry you. It was...complicated and classified. And it was a whole mess." Aaron explains. "Classified my ass." I roll my eyes at his comment. "You know I have above board clearance. I've worked classified cases before and you forget I went undercover for you guys a few times." I state. "We didn't want to worry you. And honestly it wasn't that big a deal." Emily tries to assure me. "That big a deal?! Sure her having to fake her death isn't a big deal." Aaron scoffs. "Fake your death?!" I gasp at Emily. "Aaron!" She hisses at Aaron annoyedly. "I promise it's all okay. I'm okay and Doyle's been dealt with." Emily assures me. "I wish you'd told me I could've helped." I sigh. "I know. And I'm sorry but I really truely didn't want to worry you. It was to do with an old case of mine back when I worked undercover." She explains. "I remember you told me about that." I nod. "So are you really okay now?" I ask. "I'm fine Lu, I promise." She nods. "She is. I promise. And you know I won't lie to you. I'm far too scared of you to lie to you." Hotch nods in agreement. "How have you been?" I ask Em. "Dealing. It's just...strange been back." She shrugs. "...uh oh. I know that look." I smile sadly when I see the look in her eyes. "Unfortunately so do I." Hotch sighs. "No look." She flusters. "It's the look. I know that look. It's the look I had. After my kidnapping and my ordeal with my Ex after getting my child back." I nod. " it bad? I's all over I'm back now. Why...why can't it go back?" She sighs. "You know if it were that easy both of our jobs wouldn't exist. You have to find a way to deal with it before it takes you over. Ignoring it won't help." I state. Hotch nods in agreement as he sips his drinks. "I think I know where this is going." Hotch smiles sadly. "So do I." I echo his smile. "Whatever you decide Em, we both support you. As does everyone else." I state. "Absolutely." Hotch nods. "Two goodbyes in one day." I chuckle sadly. "Not a goodbye, just...see you later." Em smirks. "Yeah, I suppose." I snigger. We spend the rest of our time in a comfortable silence, sipping our drinks before it was time to go. I drove Em and Aaron back to their hotel. "I guess this is goodbye." I turn to the BAU once we're all gathered around at five-0 HQ. "I guess so." Morgan nods with a sad smile. "Hope you won't stay away too long." JJ grins. "For sure." I chuckle. "Thanks for all your help, we couldn't have done this without your team." Steve thanks Hotch. "Glad we could help in any way and please, don't hesitate to call anytime you need." Hotch and Steve shake hands. "Bye Pen." I hug my friend goodbye. "Bye girl...wish I could stay a little longer but you know me, job's never done." She sighs. "I'll come visit, I promise." I state. "You better cuz I have a whole girl's weekend planned." She giggles. "Can't wait." I chuckle. Once all the goodbyes are said, the BAU head to their jet. "I think we should call it a day's work, don't you think?" Steve huffs. "Yeah, I'm beat." I agree. "Hay Kono, want to head out tonight? Girl's night you on?" I turn to Kono. "Why not?" She chuckles. "I assume we can't tag along." Nick chuckles as we kiss. "Not a chance babe." I giggle. "Meet me at my place in 30 minutes." I tell Kono. On our way home, I call Melissa, Renee, Keao and Abby to join us.

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