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Loud bangs echoed outside somewhere, but with a stern tone, Mommy repeated to me "Stay away from the windows." So there I was, sat at the kitchen table, watching her pace and anxiously re-wash the same dishes over and over again, despite the lack of dirt or food on them.

"When's Daddy coming home? He's been gone a while." I couldn't help but ask, and as I did, another bang rung out. 

"How about you go play with your toys, honey?" She wiped her hands off on a towel, gave a soft smile, and gently nudged me towards the living room. I drug my little feet across the floor and towards my toy box, where I grabbed my favorite toy bulldozer from, when I heard a loud THUD come from the other room.

"Mommy?" Stopping dead in my tracks at the door to the kitchen, that's when I saw it. A form crouching over top of her. It was emanating a horrid stench, and as I glanced down at the puddle of blood surrounding the two of them, a menacing reflection looked back at me. The creature turned, baring it's blood-stained teeth and measuring me up with lustful black voids for eyes, then slowly inched closer as I was frozen in place. A jump was all it took and my body was being crushed.

I heard louder bangs and a deafening screech, but I was too sleepy to register what was happening around me. The creature's weight was lifted off of me and I vaguely heard a man's voice yell out, "Guys! We have a survivor!"

Did that mean Mommy was dead?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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