Chapter 1: Digiworld DigiTrable

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As most of you now know there are two worlds, our world and the Digital one. Over time Digital Monsters or Digimon for short have been coming to our world and making all kinds of trouble. What you may not of know is that there has always been a group of humans working side by side with a Digimon partner to stop these troublesome Digimon. They are known as the digidestined. Through countless fights the digidestined and their Digimon have helped to safeguard our world, but now their world is in trouble and it's going to take every digidestined there is to stop this new threat.

Our tell begins in the office of Izzy. The young man sits behind his computer working on his latest project. When out of the blue one of the monitors start flashing red. "Oh come on what now i just debugged this system." Izzy says as he looks over at the screen. I cold chill roles over him as an image of the Digital world appears on the screen. "Whats this?" He asks. High in the sky is a black floating castle. Izzy attempts to zoom in but is unable to so he changes his focus to Spiral Island. On the Island there is loads of Digimon running around scared. In the center of the other Digimon is the digidestined Digimon. "It's going to be ok we will keep you safe." Tentomon says.

"He's right you have to trust is." Gabumon says.

"You guys can't even digivolve." Says a Gotsumon.

"It's true we can't but we will do all we can to keep you safe." Gatomon says. Izzy starts to type on his computer. "Tentomon can you hear me." Izzy shouts. Tentomon looks up at the sky. "Izzy is that you?" Tentomon shouts.

"Guys what's going on there? What is the castle in the sky." Izzy asks.

"Izzy quick we need a digi portal before the DigiOverlord..." Tentomon says but the screen goes dark. Izzy grabs onto the screen and shacks it. "Tentomon can you hear me!" He shouts but there is no answer. "What is a DigiOverlord?" Izzy says looking at the black screen. Izzy picks up his phone and dials a number. "It's me I need you to come to my office at once." Izzy says and hangs up. "I think this one is going to need all of us." He says with a heavy sigh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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