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   *morgan played by yara shahidi*

   I silenced my phone as I was awakened by the burning scent of hair, it had been my roommate, also my bestfriend, tara. Tara and I had grown up together since the 2nd grade, however, she is the complete opposite of me. She is the firecracker when I am only merely the wind.

I checked  outside the window to see the summer sky but was greeted with grey skies and obvious rain in the forecast. I had grabbed my hygiene essentials and headed to the community bathroom to shower. I grabbed a shirt,some jeans and a hoodie to match. I assembled my hair into some sort of messy bun and popped my  glasses on and hurried to Washington Hall before the rain started. I stopped in the coffee shop to pick up a quick bite.

And there he was. Kofi. Standing at a almost 6'4 frame, muscular,dark and sculptured. And me,you ask? loose fitting skinny jean a slightly oversized rick and Morty  t shirt and a hoodie on. It was the beginning of the fall semester and I hadn't seen him since May. He'd grown his beard out a little more and he looks even better. My last "encounter" with him had been when I awkwardly was walking down an empty street while him and his girlfriend Samantha argued. I know, I know, this may seem wrong drooling over another girls man.But I'm no threat to his Samantha.Kofi pays me no mind whatsoever.The only exchanges I've ever had with him was painfully awkward. Last year he was in theatre/film class, he doesn't say much, he chuckles once in a while and he always has this look on his face adding a very mysterious aura to him. He always has his headphones on and I assume its because he doesn't want people to talk to him.

I received my scone and held my Vanilla Chai in hand as I raced out the door to Film/Theatre Intro. I arrived there just in time and settled in  the very middle of row no.4. what I like to consider to be "The best seat in this bitch". the professor began going over the syllabus and my mind began to lose focus on her words  and I just when I realized the man of my dreams wasn't seated where  he normally was the door had open and he came rushing in.

I tuned back into the professor when I heard her say " group".  she had paired the existing students with each other and her new students among themselves.  the assignment was to find beauty and capture it. For example if you were to find a flower, you would either pick the flower and preserve it or take a photo. and collectively as a group we must pool out what we captured and" just make it make sense".

I read the list saw :
Samantha Michealson                                                                                                                                                          Kofi Siriboe                                                                                                                                                                                Nadia cooper                                                                                                                                                                             Tiana Morris                                                                                                                                                                               Morgan

Nadia was lighter than me in complexion, she had ginger blonde hair and freckles compliment most of her nose and cheeks. She like, Kofi, did side jobs modeling and becoming brand ambassadors for "higher-end" brands.Tiana was a well known Instagram model  she made her living "modeling" for fashion nova and flat tummy tea and of course selling foot pics to weird men. They were so pretty. I watched as they preyed up Kofi. But they don't know Kofi like I Kinda sorta do. He is very laidback. For him - less is more. I guess I put that together when I saw his girlfriend

Kofi ignored them and his face as stiff as stone while they threw their Laffy Taffy jokes at him.Not a smile or a giggle. Nothing. I guess they got the hint.

Nadia opened her laptop and began typing. a few minutes later after Kofi spoke up.His voice sent shiver down my back.

"So are we gonna discuss the project or are we just gonna sit here ?"

Nadia stopped typing and closed her laptop. Tiana had put her phone away. And they both turned to kofi giving him the undivided attention. luckily Samantha wasn't here today she would've had a fit. I decided that I should speak and maybe be a little less awkward.

" I was thinking maybe... it'll be cool to do, you know, people, because everyone ha-"

"Flowers." Nadia expressed loudly she began reading what she was typing. Kofi interrupted her

"People. why do you say that?'

" because anyone can take a picture of a flower. every person in this world is unique. each of us have our flaws and all these flaws can simply be made beautiful by just -"

" embracing them." kofi said as he finally noticed me. in a frumpy non flattering outfit he noticed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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