The Life of a Future

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That day started as any other day. I was getting ready to go to work and that dreaded phone call came. The police were telling me that my wife had been in an accident.

She was on her way to see a movie with her best friend when she crashed on the express way. Her luxury hover car is destroyed and she may die any minute from injuries that she has sustained.

I immediately went to the medical facility. They told me that the best doctor for this kind of injury was Dr. Jay Bosten. I was still in shock that my love was dying, and now as I stared at my dying wife I realized that I had to put my faith and my wife's life in the hands of a robot.

Dr. Jay Bosten is a prototype of a medical robot. Building robots are common, but a robot that can perform intricate surgery on a human brain? That is unheard of. The medical team told me that this Doctor Robot he has been programmed with more knowledge and skills than the four top medical schools can ever teach a human.

But even knowing this, how could I trust this machine with my love.

I was afraid at first and then nervous. What if this computer failed? I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on the safest luxury hover vehicle for my love. It had been driven by many and was proven safe. But the on board computer had failed. She hadn't been safe.

What were my choices? The medical team working on my wife told me they could do nothing. They human minds were not capable of performing this intricate surgery. It was too risky for them, but the Doctor Robot could do it. With trepidation, I signed the consent form.

Three hours later, Dr.Bosten, a robot designed to mimic humans in nearly every way, came tome to tell me in his unemotional tone, that though my wife had survived the surgery, the recovery would be long and difficult.

I fell to my knees and praised the hardware for saving my loves life. I was shocked that a robot can be so amazing.

It was several weeks before I could take my love home. I hired the highest qualified nurse available, and though I would have preferred a robot after our experience, she was adequate. My wife was alive, and growing stronger by the day thanks to the efforts of an unknown scientist. The more I thought about Dr. Bosten, and what he was able to accomplish for my wife, the more I thought about how I, with my infinite resources, could do more.

Now Ihave a mission!

I am going take that prototype to the next level. My research on Dr. Bosten's technology led me to the creators.

It was a small, privately owned company that was not well funded. I knew I will be the next owner.

With the scientist's knowledge, and my experience and resources in the business world, Super Doctors like Dr. Bosten will be in every hospital.

Super Doctors will not replace the need for Human Doctors, but will be able to save the un-savable. As I began my endeavor to bring this technology to the world, I knew there would be those who would fight against me. There will be those who will say we are replacing more humans with robots, but they will be wrong.   

There will always be a need for human doctors. Robots are incapable of feeling, of compassion which is the most important thing a doctor can give. No, these Super Doctors will be needed to save those who human doctors cannot.

I soon became the proud owner of that prototype and created a foundation in honor of my love, Alice Ingrid.

The AI of Love Foundationwill ensure all humans will benefit from these Super Doctors. All thanks to Dr. Jay Bosten!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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