Feathered Demon

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I looked up and my eyes met with his. Those eyes were somehow so familiar,scary yet so gentle. He smiled back to me and said something, but I think I only imagined this. "I've been waiting for you, ma'am". 

I shook my head and stepped few steps backwards. "I'm sorry I bumped into you," I coughed. I could feel students staring at me. Me, the poor, common human being, who managed to get here because of the  scholarship.

He pressed his long fingers into his already messy hair and held them there a little, then he looked at me again, smiling. "Jaylee, come after me," he ordered pointing towards the long corridor ahead us. "And it's ok, it was my fault after all," he mumbled back, looking over his shoulder with apology while we kept walking between huge marble walls. 

 He knows my name.

We stopped behind the  dark brown door, it's edges were slightly covered with stunning carvings. And number three  splurged in the middle of door. 

"We are here, " he grinned. I was not afraid of him anymore, his scary eyes were not that scary anymore. Instead they are now  somehow cute, and also the rest of him.

He opened the door, the bright light blinded me for a second. Then I saw group of students, standing in the middle of large room. The space was very light and one big window covered one wall. It was like every other classroom, but much bigger. I couldn't believe my eyes. I used to see little dark rooms, smaller ones. But this one was palace itself.

"Welcome to the Black Class!" The group of students greeted me with huge smile covering their faces. 

"Black Class?" My eyes widened, why such a name for this class? But I'm sure this name is not describing the classroom. 

"We've been waiting for you," One girl added, a smile on her face was blown away. Instead of bright smile what shined on her face was a serious expression. 

"We've finally found you," added the boy who ushered me here.

Do they know me?


Thank you for reading my book's, Feathered Demon, prologue. I hope you will enjoy every chapter coming up. [: 

And I must thank @Booksaboutmeee ! She is an amazing person & editor. ♥ 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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