Chapter 1

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It was something that she had always been used to, so she didn't understand why she walked away from the situation with tears in her eyes. A slap to the face was nothing. She was practically greeted by one every time she saw her mother.

Why did this one hurt so much?

Her cheek stung and fingers protected the fragile skin as she ducked away, running from the one person who usually showed her nothing but respect.

Sym had snuck out of her room to go into the rain with a good friend of hers; a boy by the name of Jack. They had been laughing, talking about anything on their minds. Their backs were to a thick, metal gate that barricaded off a forbidden area. It was safe as long as they stayed on the right side, and they did.

Hours passed and the two had gotten closer... Shoulders brushing against one another every so often. Sym appreciated him listening to her... But then he made a mistake.

Jack slid his way in front of her, pressing his strong fingers into her collarbone to keep her in place as he leaned in, lips hovering just over hers.

Knowing that her feelings were nothing more than good friends, she pushed against his chest to ward him off. Seconds later, she felt a painful smack to her cheek.

Shoving the boy as hard as she could, Sym stayed long enough to watch him trip over his own feet before she bolted the other way.

She didn't know what to do... She didn't want to return home with a red cheek and tear-filled eyes.

Hearing a sound behind her, she stopped and spun around, ready to fight if she had to. Seeing nothing, she faced the front again and took another step, only to hear, "Are you okay, miss?"

Shifting her gaze to the dark mass standing behind her, her eyes locked onto a peculiar and mysterious man. He had dark, blood red hair pulled into a ponytail over his left shoulder. His eyes even seemed to glow a malicious shade of crimson.

"I'm fine," Sym replied, brushing away any remaining tears. She hated crying in front of people. It made her seem weak and vulnerable and she wasn't any of that!

"What happened? Don't worry, you have nothing to fear."

This man was persistent and made Sym a little cautious. But something in his voice forced her trust him.

"A friend. He...uh..."

"...Hit you?" The man finished, the words seeming to cause a grin to split his face.

Merely nodding, Sym lowered her head and touched her cheek once again. His words were almost as painful as the real thing.

"You want revenge, don't you?"

For some reason, a thick and heavy feeling filled her chest. Rage, anger... Anything and everything that related to it.

"I do."

A wide smirk lingered on his lips as he stepped in front of her and muttered, "Then I give to you...The Kiss of Death." And with a quick, but firm kiss to her lips- the odd man was gone.

Sym blinked a couple of times, the memory of what had happened fading from her mind. It was as if she had just dreamed up the whole thing.

By the time she got home, she had convinced herself it was all a dream.


The sun filtered in through the blinds of the bedroom the following morning, causing Sym to grunt and open her eyes. In the back of her head, she could hear the television from the other room.

"Jack Ashton was found dead this morning, his body thrown into a lake. Bruises were covering the victims neck, but we don't have a lead on the situation-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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