Chapter 1- The Note

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     Rick turned first. Eugene had a bullet in his neck. Michonne swung her sword at the Governor, who ducked in barely enough time. I pointed my gun at him, shot, and missed as he shot back at me. Rosita was able to cut Daryl down. He was unconscious. She took him back down the stairway as we distracted the Governor. Rick blocked the stairway as the Governor tried to escape. He puched Rick, sending him down the stairs. Rick pulled the Governor with him.

     They reached the first floor and the Governor went to the caged walkers. Rick stopped.

     "No... Lori is dead. She's gone." Rick repeated to no one in particular.

     It was his wife. In the cage, surrounded by everyone else Rick knew. And they were all walkers. He didn't believe she was there. We got up and left as the Governor returned to the hallway and up the stairs. He wasn't trying to kill us at the moment. We found Rosita outside with Daryl, who was sitting on the ground, barely conscious. We let him rest in a safe spot nearby. Rick and Michonne kept an eye out for walkers. Carol tended to Daryl, who looked like the Governor had beaten him. I glanced over at Michonne, who had just sliced a walker through the skull. I looked back at Carol, looking at who was left. Rosita, Rick, Carol, Daryl, Joel, Michonne and I were the only ones. We had lost more than I could count. I put my head down and fell asleep.

      I woke up about a few hours later. It was dark. Everyone was still going about, doing the same things, except for Michonne, who took a break while Rosita kept watch with Rick. Joel was now asleep. I got up and decided, after feeling completely awake, to help watch for walkers. I roamed around the makeshift setup we had. I looked around, nothing in sight. I looked around some more. When I reached the building Daryl sat against, I decided to head around to the front of it. As I walked there, I saw a figure stumbling in the distance. A walker. When it got closer, I figured I would stab it. Conserving ammo and staying quiet was key in this post-apocalyptic world. The walker stumbled closer. It was grunting. Then I listened. It was gasping and coughing, whispering for help.

     I moved forward cautiously. Whatever it was, it was alive. The dark figure held its hands to its side. It was a man. He may have been bitten. I called out.

     "Did one of them bite you?" I yelled towards him.

     "No, it... it was a man... with an eye... eyepatch." he gasped before collapsing to the ground.

     I ran over to him. I called for Joel and Michonne. Joel told me Michonne was helping Carol. We each took a shoulder, and we carried the man back to our "camp". Joel limped the whole way, and even with his injury, he worked harder than he should have been. We brought the man to Carol, who tended to both him and Daryl. We stayed in this area for four days, until Daryl could walk. He finally told us that Eugene gave him something while the Governor held them hostage.

     He pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket. A note.

     "He gave me this. The secret to the cure. He ain't lettin' anyboy read it, either. It's for D.C." he explained.

     He put the paper away and went back to sit down. Then the man I found the other day began to wake up for the first time since he collapsed. I walked over to him along with Carol.

     "How are you feeling?" Carol asked.

     "Horrid." the man answered her.

     "I'm Carol." she returned.

     "Bill. I was in Indianapolis when all this started. I heard it was better down here." he explained slowly.

     "It's fucked up across the entire south." Daryl added, joining us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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