blind date (Stephen Tries × WillNE)

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Will × Stephen

"Come on, Stephen. it'll be fun!" Alex complains, trying to get Stephen to put on a suit. Alex was setting him up on a blind date. Stephen didn't know, but Alex had set him and Will up because they both liked eachother, but wouldn't tell. Stephen had told Alex that the possibility of Will liking him back seemed near to impossible. So Alex thought it'd be great to set them up. Stephen was being a pain in the ass about it but Will seemed completely up for it.
_~Earlier That Afternoon~_
"A blind date..?" Will smirks, the thing that excited him most was the small small possibility that Alex set him up with Stephen. "yes, Lenney. a blind date." Alex repeats for about the hundredth time "now put the fucking suit on." He laughs.
Will was already waiting, and as usual.. Stephen was late. will kept glancing at his watch, the feeling that he'd been stood up filled his body, and lump in his throat wanted to turn to tears. but he couldn't cry in public.
"Stephen, what the fuck?!" Alex exclaims, "you're 45 minutes late!" Stephen had finally turned up, but it was worth the wait.. Stephen looked great. his hair was slicked back, he was wearing a white shirt, a black tie, black jeans and black flats. "Hi, Alex. where's my date then?" He asks, not seeming to give one about being late. Alex points inside at Will, he looked like he was getting ready to leave. "Stephen get your ass in there!" Alex shouts but not too loud, pushing Stephen through the door. there was no turning back now, but that's exactly what Stephen did. Alex was already getting into his car. he couldn't do this, he'd liked Will for longer than he could remeber. *Don't fuck this up.* Stephen thought to himself, amongst the many things twirling around in his brain, that was the thought that stood out the most.
Stephen rushed to Will's table "Will. I'm so sorry I was late..." Stephen begins to say, but the look on will's face makes him stop. Will looked shocked, but a smile was mixed in with all the other emotions Will seemed to be experiencing right now. "Stephen Lawson..." Will grins, "Who knew?" He adds with a chuckle. to which Stephen laughs and shrugs "this is too fancy for me.." Will says "wanna just get a takeout and go to mine?" He asks and Stephen nods "sounds mad. I got my car so we can go to McDonald's drive thru" He laughs. -
when they got to Will's, Stephen put the food down on the table and turned to Will, who had just got into the front room. "hm?" Will asks, his eyes meeting the others. Stephen wasn't sure wether this choice of actions was a heat-of-the-moment thing or what but he did it anyway. he kissed Will, like he meant it. it took Will a moment to process what was happening but he kisses back, relaxing his muscles. it was short and sweet, but they both loved it. it felt as if all the problems of the world just melted away.
when they pulled away, they both smiled at eachother. "I love you, Will Lenney." Stephen says "I love you to, Stephen Lawson."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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