Chapter 1- introduction

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Maddie's pov;

I bit my lip trying not to scream of what my dad announced. Not a happy

Scream I don't wanna spend my time

With a bunch of snotty viners.

I know any girl would LOVE to be with them but I'm not like them.

I want to be me the outsider.

my dad owns magcon and he's taking me.

Yea yea yea there fab like everyone says but I'm not into them like my sister is.

I don't want to obsess over guys that I will never have a chance with

"Maddie were leaving soon! Look presentable!" Kenzie comes screaming into my room

She had curled hair and maxi dress on. I can't stand how she obsesses over them. Nash Nash Nash all day every day. Her room is filled with nasty posters and Nash blankets. Creepy? Yea I know.

"Go away!"

I threw on a army green sweat shirt and dark skinny jeans. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on light makeup.

Soon we were all in the car and ready to go.

"Omg Maddie are you excited!" Mackenzie let out a squeal.


I scanned through my notifications and ... Hayes.. Grier followed me? I hit block.

Kenzie was looking over my shoulder the whole time like usual.

"Maddie nicole why would you do that.."

Then Kenz went off on how great they are and why don't I like them ugh.....

I zoned out until we arrived at the hotel where it's held.

I slowly walked into where magcons being held.

"Maddie you will be staying in the penthouse with the boys" my dad stated giving me a over protective look handing me the key.

I rolled my luggage to the elevator.

This will be interesting.

I paused before putting the key in the door. Maybe I should knock I don't want to be a creep but they opened the door before I did anything.

"O hey" Hayes said.

"You must be Maddie" Taylor smiled.


When I came back they were gone. I smiled and sat on the couch.

I checked my messages.


OMG aren't they perfect! Your so lucky!

I answered - not really!

"Hey" someone said. I turned around it was them.

"Wanna hang out with us?" Hayes asked.

"I guess" I got up and followed them out the door into a part of the lobby.

I sat away from them and played on my phone.

That's when my dad came over.

"Go and hang with them" he demanded.


I got up and went back to the room. Hayes soon followed.

"What do you want" I snapped turning around.

"I want you to have fun" he smiled

"I don't want to be here"

"I'm gonna change that" he smiled.

We hung out for the rest of the day. At first it was really awkward then we started talking and I changed my mind I guess..

First chapter!! More to come! make sure to leave a comment on how

You think it is so far!!

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