chapter 1

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Toshio Ozaki was walking down the road and hear a cry of a baby. Toshio walk towards the cry and saw a baby girl crying. Toshio said so your name is Sara okay Sara Ozaki it is. Sara stopped crying open her blue eyes and giggle and grab Toshio's finger. Toshio kept Sara with him. Next month Sara turn eight years old when Sara was seven she become crazy but the waterfall spirit let her drink the healing water and Sara became an angel and Toshio cried when his daughter was not crazy so Sara stop being crazy forever. Sara said daddy where are you going. Toshio said well some people died in their home maybe the summer flu. Sara said okay love you daddy and it's not fair eberybody dies. Toshio said yeah and love you too pumpkin. Toshio hug his daughter and got on his bike. Sara said say hi to the jr monk for me. Toshio said okay bye. Sara wave to her dad when he left and went back inside the clinic. At night Sara said daddy why is Nao's mother is here. Toshio said she is not okay she just got scared. Muroi said she will be fine. Next morning Sara said how are you today. Nao's mother said doing better sweetie just a dream that Nao is back but she is not. Sara said she died I am so sorry for your loss. Nao's mother rub Sara's hair.  Nao's mother said thank you dear I am sure she is happy. Sara said yeah there are alot of angels can keep her safe. Nao's mother said hahahaha you know you reminded me of Nao when she was your age. Sara said really. Nao's mother said really she loves to talk about her and her husband and son going up to heaven being protected by angels from letting demons and devils taking her and her husband and son away. Sara giggle. Toshio said Sara why don'tyou go out to the coffee shop and stay there I will be there with you. Sara said okay bye daddy. Sara went out and wave Nao's mother goodbye and left Sara skip to the coffee shop and open the door and saw the couples there. Sara sit on the chair and wave at the couples. Hasegawa said hello Sara waiting for your father. Sara said yes he is talking to Nao's mother and he said I can come here and wait for him. Hasegawa said okay dear I will give you milk. Sara said good milk. Hasegawa said hahahaha yes dear. Sara said yey. Hasegawa said so Sara you heard about Megumi died first. Sara said uh-huh I am the one who told her to write a mail letter to Natsuno Okide and I told her that it doesn't matter what the Sotoba villagers said about her clothes. Hasegawa said yep she told me and my wife that you helped her and become her friend when you were six. Sara said yep oh here's my daddy. Toshio said hello. Hasegawa said hello Dr. Ozaki me and your daughter were talking about Megumi. Toshio said yeah it was not happy to lose someone you love. Sara said daddy if I was a vampire or something do not kill me or anyone else or I will cry and never come back to you. Toshio said okay baby girl I won't kill anyone and yyou I promise. Sara said keeping a promise is tough. Hasegawa said she's right Dr. Ozaki if you break that promise you might not get some chances but maybe a second chance. Sara said yep. Toshio said alright you my daughter you are fucking weird but I do love you. Sara said love you too no more swear daddy. Toshio said damn you really hate me. Sara said nope love you and quit smoking it is bad for you you could die then who will protect ne from the dead daddy. Toshio said alright fine you win. Sara said yey. Hasegawa laughed. Sara and Toshio came home after eating lunch and went in the clinic. At night Sara was sitting next to a door and hears a scratch and Sara open the blind and saw Nao there and Sara wave to her and Nao wave back. Toshio came in and saw Nao and Sara waving to each other. Toshio said Sara are you waving a vampire dear. Sara said it's Nao daddy. Toshio laughed and ruffle his daughter's head. Toshio said what are you doing here Nao. Toshio let Nao in the clinic. Nao said sorry for coming here I just wondering if you and Sara are okay. Sara said we are. Toshio said I promise Sara that I can't kill anyone. Nao said that's a big promise. Sara said yep. Toshio said well Sara time for bed. Sara said daddy it's 8:40pm can I stay up please. Toshio said do you want to be called shorty. Sara said no bye Nao. Nao said bye. Sara left and went in her bed and fell asleep.

Yo everybody I am sorry for this but um I got a huge headache so I am going to take a nap but next chapter might be long maybe not bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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