Chapter 1

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Everything is dark and I'm lost. I'm trapped in a labyrinth and trying to find the center, but as far as I could tell I was a long way off.

But I was wrong.

As I took the next left I was surrounded by fire on three sides, cutting off my only exits. I was finally in the center, but something was very wrong. Aro stood in the center, surrounded by the other Volturi members, and watched me with a sad look. I've never seen that look before, and it terrified me.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the lovely Maria." Aro said, holding out the '-ia' of my name.

"Aro," I said, smiling and starting to walk towards him. "What's going on here?" Placing a hand on his face I forced him to look me in the eye. His round eyes showed sadness, just like his face had.

"Don't you know?" Aro whispered at a volume that only I could hear. "It's the lies you've told us." He stroked my long strawberry blonde hair, stopping when his hand reached my midriff.

"W-what do you mean?" Aro pulled me towards him forcefully, pressing me tight against him. "I-I've never lied to you!" He shooshed me, planting a light kiss on my forehead.

"Don't deny it, we all know." Aro's embrace became crushingly tight, if he didn't loosen his grasp I swear my ribs would start to break. "Immortal child."

"I'm not an i-immortal child." I pleaded. He didn't believe me though, quickly pressing down on my back and breaking three of my ribs. "A-Aro!"

Aro tossed me down on the ground, leaving me to be picked up by Alec and Caius. "I'm so sorry about this Maria, but... we don't tolerate liars in our ranks." And with that Aro cupped my face with his hands, kissing me on the lips quickly, and put me to an end by ripping off my head.


I woke up in a cold sweat, feeling adrenaline course through my veins as my nightmare played over and over in my head. Being a vampire I shouldn't need sleep, but I wasn't like other vampires. My mother was a human whom had fallen in love with a male vampire. She died during my birth. According to my father I looked like her though. My long strawberry blonde hair, almond shaped eyes and my thin lips were supposedly just like hers. My eyes were the same colour as hers when I was born, Ocean Blue, but taking a liking to human blood over anything else my eyes had turned red like most vampires.

From a very young age my father had tried to figure out what my special trait was, if I even had one. I did have one though, it was mind control. I guess that was what got me into the Volturi. Once I had reached my peak and stopped aging my father thought it would be best if I joined the Volturi. And that's how I ended up meeting the vampire that I have fallen for.

I had to control everyone's mind slightly though. I don't want them to know that I'm warmer than the others, but not quite as warm as humans. That's what causes the nightmares that occur when I sneak off to sleep. I was scared that Aro would find out and shun me for being what I am am kill me.

Wiping tears from my eyes and cheeks I made my way to the door of my secret passageway. Looking left and right I made sure that no one was coming down the hall before I exited my room. I ran down hallways, stopping before the doorway of each room to see if Aro was in any of them but he wasn't. As I began to lose hope I found him, sitting in a chair by a small desk filled with books. For once he was away from Marcus and Caius.

Hearing my sniffles Aro turned around in his chair, looking at me lean on the doorway. "Maria, what is it my dear?" He tilted his head slightly, eyes wide and his face looked intrigued. Unable to control my crying I quickly sat on his lap, burying my head in the crook of his neck and gripping the back of his black suit as I cried. Aro tensed underneath me, not sure of what to do. "W-what's the matter Maria?" He said, finally laying a hand awkwardly on my back. Aro wasn't the one for much physical contact or anything that would show his feelings, but little praises and the rare kiss was all I needed. Since the nightmares had started it was getting harder for me. I would usually stay in my secret room but the dreams had gotten so bad and often that I couldn't take it any more.

Sitting on Aro's lap all of my emotion came out in tears. "I-I was... sitting around and... I had a day dream- er... day terror more like...," I said in between sobs." ... and... You..." It was too much trying to lie around the nightmare, I was crying hysterically and couldn't talk anymore.

Aro's hand cupped my chin and tilted my face so that he could look me in the eye. "Show me." He said, holding out a hand. Hesitantly I took my glove off and allowed him to see my nightmare. As he saw it his face filled with fascination, his eyes growing wide once again and a slight smile of sorts twitching at the edges of his lips. "This... was no day dream Maria." He said, looking at me curiously. "What exactly was it?" His hand brushed against my cheek, causing me to close my eyes and lean into the soft touch. I could tell that his curiosity wouldn't be good for me. Looking him in the eyes I was about to use my psychic powers but Aro some how stopped me. "Maria, don't use your powers on me. Don't you trust me?"

"Aro... I trust you. You know I do. It's just..." I drifted off, not knowing what to say. As I tried to find my words Aro's lips were suddenly on mine. I could feel every ounce of affection in that kiss. More than just the meaningful looks or tender kisses. This was like fire racing through my veins, awoken by his lips on mine. His tongue brushed my lower lip in a tantalizing way, and I parted my lips. I expected him to deepen the kiss as he had suggested with his actions, but instead I found his hands clasping mine. He broke the kiss, scouring my mind with a devilish smile. Those eyes searched mine as he saw every thought and memory that I have ever had.

"Ahahahahah!" Aro laughed, his eyes full of excitement and wonder. "Oh quanto sia magnifico! Why did you never tell me of this before!"

I looked down, unsure of what to say. "I just... thought you would reject me I guess."

"I would never reject you cara." I smiled and hugged him, laying my head down on his shoulder. He didn't tense up as much this time. He was actually somewhat relaxed.

"Ti amo... Aro." I whispered.

"I know diletto. I know."

"Aro... Can you promise me something?" I asked, lifting my head up from his shoulder.

"What is it Maria?"

Looking into his eyes pleading I said, "Don't tell the others about me, please."

Aro blinked a few times, thinking, before he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. "I won't tell them." He promised. I smiled, kissing his forehead before I stood up.

"Grazie. Just because you won't reject me doesn't mean that they will." I giggled a little, turning around and walking towards the door.

"Wait, Maria." I turned as I reached the door frame and looked back at Aro. He walked over and said in a hushed voice incase anyone else was near. "Tell me where you go. When you sleep, I mean. I'll be there incase you have more nightmares." I nodded, slightly surprised at his request and left him to his duties.


That night, around midnight, I started to feel sleep edging it's way back. Yawning, I traveled the halls once more in search of Aro. He wasn't in the room with Marcus and Caius so I checked the room I had found him in earlier. As I walked in I let out a bit yawn, and stretched out my arms.

"Tired, mi cara?" A voice whispered in my ear. I jumped, turning around to see that it was just Aro. I chuckled and nodded as another yawn succumbed me. "Where do you sleep? Lead me there." Lightly taking Aro's hand I lead him down the curvy halls to the secret passageway I used. Aro looked around for me to make sure that no one was coming before I opened the door.

"This is where I sleep." I said, motioning to a simple full size mattress on a metal frame. The sheets were black satin and shined in the light illuminating from the torches. "Not the best place in the world but I make due with it." I went to one side of the bed, kicked off my shoes and crawled into the bed and, to my surprise, Aro crawled in beside me.

Tentatively, I laid my head on his chest and Aro didn't tense. I smiled and snuggled up to him. He smiled softly, running his fingers through my hair and twirling it. I looked up at his eyes. They were so soft and gentle, almost loving. Running a hand along his cheeks I pulled his lips to mine in a quick kiss. It was short but I tried to let him know how much I loved him in that one kiss.

As I slowly fell asleep Aro laid a kiss or two on the top of my head and I fell asleep smiling widely.

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