Melina's Test

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I woke up to the hazy blue light of the morning. I roll over, covering myself snugly in my sheets, attempting to shut out the morning. Even though my head pounds, begging for more sleep, I open my eyes.

Blue. I've come to get used to the color being everywhere. The carpets, the curtains, my alarm clock. I had blue glasses, which I actually needed, but only wore so that I would not have to wear blue bracelets or something...

"Melina, mom wants you." I hear the door fling open. It's my sister. I blink my eyes open to see that she is staring at me. I put on my blue glasses and blink.

"Why...?" I moan, "It's Saturday..." I cover my shoulders in the blankets.

"She wants you, Melina!" Helen sighs exasperatingly as she sits on her bed, across from me.

I groan and sit up, my light brown hair haywire. I smooth it out as much as possible. I feel nauseous, as I always do when I wake up.

I get up after I am somewhat aware of my surroundings. My sister is straightening her hair, a practice I never needed to do. Her rich brown hair is shiny and smooth almost all the time, and they complement her tan eye color and skin.

"What?" She asks, and I realize I am staring.

"Nothing." I turn to my mirror. "You are just pretty." I say.

She grins a little at this, then goes back to her vigorous straightening.

I look at myself in the mirror. My skin is incredibly pale, while my eyes hold two different colors: blue and white. The left one is completely white...a birth defect which caused scar tissue to overwhelm the eye, left the eye useless, blind. The Erudite doctors wanted to take it out, but my father refused.

My other eye, however, is completely normal. Blue, sometimes grey.

I brush my hair harshly, ripping out the knots and wincing. I look into my closet. Every top is blue. Some button up, some polo. I choose a lacy blue blouse, with a white tank top underneath, and some light jeans.

I step cautiously down the white marble steps. Due to my single eye-ness, I cannot detect depth in anything. So stairs are tricky.

However, I have navigated these stairs since childhood, so I can do them somewhat easily.

But I have fallen before.


"Melina, we have some chores to do today. This afternoon is the aptitude test, I know, but I want you to finish some things before we get all caught up in that." My mom says in a flurry as I sit next to her in our, yes blue, couch. Her hair is curly and done up in all assortments of hairsprays. Her eyes are blue and striking, unlike mine, and her makeup is perfectly placed, not too much, and not too little.

"Okay." I say, blinking, "What things?"

"Just some dusting. And then I want you to put away your laundry." She stands, "And please, clean up your side of the room before you leave." She adds before I hug her.

"Love you." I say, ignoring the topic, "Are you going to the school today?" I ask her.

"Yes. We have to clean up. I will probably be there when you get your test done." She says, the stern voice gone. She leaned back and looked at me in my eyes.

"What did you get, mom? When you did it?" I ask her. Her eyes went down for a moment.

"We aren't allowed to tell anyone." She shakes her head, her curls bouncing.

"Now, I have to go. Remember your chores." She says as she walks to the door, "I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

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