Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always hurt me.

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I woke up. Another day of sadness. Another day of feeling empty. God...why am I still here? Still alive? My alarm started going off and since I was already awake, I turned it off right away.
My door suddenly slammed open and I jumped in fear. "GET YOUR ASS UP NOW!" My dad yelled, grabbing my wrists tightly. "OUCH! Stop! I'm already awake!" I whimpered. My dad slaps me and my cheek starts to sting. "DON'T YOU FUCKING TALK BACK TO ME YOU BITCH!" He yelled. "Now. Be back at home by 3:45, usual time when you get home. Don't be late!" My dad snapped. "Okay." I said. As he shut the door, I started getting dressed.
Long hoodies cover the scars. I thought. I always wear hoodies. I covers my cuts. As I grabbed a f/c hoodie, I frowned. I looked in the mirror. At least this hides some of my curves. I was always quite curvy, but I've had boys who grabbed my chest before so I'm trying to make them look smaller. It didn't exactly help, but it works 10%. I brushed my h/l h/c hair. I put it into a ponytail and start to look at myself in the mirror. My e/c eyes stared back into my soul. "God...I'm so fucking ugly." I whispered. I put on some ripped jeans and I started to walk to the bathroom.
As I was brushing my teeth, I feel someone watching me. "Hello?" I whimper. "Someone there?" I turn around to see nothing. I walk downstairs and get some f/f (favorite flavor) cereal.
As I eat, my dad smacks me in the head. "I wish you'd make yourself look cuter. You look like a boy." He murmured. "...." I sat in silence. As my phone went off, I knew it was time for school. I grabbed my f/c backpack and left.
I fucking hate my life. I see some girls from my school walking by me. "There's the slut!" One girl yelled out. The other girls giggled. "...." I wish I could say something back but I feel like my mouth is glued shut. I tear up and run to school.
As I walk in, the guys look at me. "Hey cutie! Come over to my house later and I'll show you a good time!" One of them said. "Fuck off!" I responded. I got the stuff I needed for class and then walked into the classroom.
My teacher, Mr.Suko, stared at me. "Hoods off, miss l/n" he said. As I took my hood off, all the guys and girls looked at my face. I had gentle facial features, nice eyebrows and long eyelashes, also plump lips. My e/c eyes shined and my hair blew in the classroom from the fan. "Miss big boobs is cuter then I thought, hehe~" one of the guys said. "Shut up you dumbass!" I yelled. The guy smirked at me, "What do I have to do to take that body out for a ride tonight?" I started to feel my body heat rising in anger. "YOU CAN'T GET ANY GIRL TO LIKE YOU, YOU UGLYASS PERVERT!" I screamed. I then ran out the room.

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