~ Blazing Wildfire ~

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Some part of Phoenix knew she would be chosen.
And boy, she was right.
Every Fire Moon, The citizens of Infernoville would watch a brutal death match, that determined the queen.
This year, she would have to fight.
The girl who had almost been killed by her father. Destroyed by her mother. Terrorized by her three older sisters. Annoyed by the citizens.
Well, that thought may have been sponsored by her short temper.
She would be competing with her sisters.
Probably the most dangerous people.
She sat there.
She heard her sisters laughing, and competing.
But what was she doing?
Sitting there, that's what.
"Meh..I should practice." She sat up.
She kindled the raging fire in her. She inhaled, smoke rising. Her eyes amber. A deadly raging fire surrounded her, and suddenly, dummies appeared. She sent raging balls of scarlets, gold, and fiery oranges at them, shriveling them up. Death was all she knew, at that moment. Rage was all she felt. Fire was all she had. And she needed it.
"Oooooh!" Wildfire screamed. "We're so scared!!"
She glared at her, sending bolts of fire at her, not missing.
Ashe backed away.
Coal sat there.
"Try and fight me, little sis. The throne is MINE."
She glared at her.
"Shut That sassy mouth up, before I watch it fall to ashes."
She glared at her "Playing with Fire? Oh sweetie. That's bad." She clicked her tounge in a malicious way. She picked up her flaming sword, and snickered.
She picked her bow up, then dropped it. "Save it for the arena." I walked off, leaving a blazing trail of flames. She did that whenever she was angry.
Her door slammed, a puff of smoke coming out.
The throne is mine.
Coal's words repeated in her brain.
Then she turned them to think about her. Her.
The throne is MINE.

~ The Next Day ~
She woke up.
In two days, she'd be forced to fight her brutal sisters.
Would she ACTUALLY win?
Her flaming hair was a FREAKING MESS.
She tried taking a brush through it, making it just a tad bit better.
She headed down the great firestone stairway, and trotted off to breakfast, in her Inferno outfit.
She smelled the great welcoming of Fire Bread, Orange Juice, and traces of Lava Tea.
Wildfire was the first to greet her.
"Who's gonna lose?" She snickered.
"You?" I replied back, matching her tone, a major rage building up inside of me.
"Idiot. YOU." She growled.
I walked past her, after giving her a hard hit.
Next was Ashe.
"Sorry, but, start preparing your will!" She said cheerily.
Then Coal. Who she'd kill first.
She opened her mouth, "Aww! Gonna miss my little Fire Pants, but, she's gonna die FIRST! AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!! WAH WAH. BOO HOO." She hit me hard.
I growled.
She reached for another hit, and I grabbed her hand, holding it tightly, burning it, and listening to sickening cracks.
"Wanna try that again?" I said cheerily, as I dropped her wounded hand.
She had fire, this time.
"Don't. Do. That. AGAIN!" She lunged at me.
She had me pinned.
"Should I just kill you now?" She smiled crazily.
"N-N-No." I glared, now, I had a raging fire.
I took my hand, full of deadly terrorizing Fire, and pinned it on her back, causing her to leap away, and scurry off with a threatening yell: "YOU'RE FIRST! I PROMISE YOU THAT!!"
I shook my head. And said, under my breath, "No. You are."

That's all for now!
I hope it was good, and this certain character, Phoenix, was based off of a friend, Ginger!
More coming soon!

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