Part One: The Alarm Of The Earth

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As I sit with Yesenia in science, our teacher, Mr.Organ  gives the whole class their duties to do today. I look at my sketchbook and I had no ideas what to draw, so I look at Yesenia as she gets our laptops from the cart. I sigh not knowing what to do at the moment , I know I need to finish my CSI worksheet before I could even think about drawing or anything else for that matter. After Yesenia hands me my laptop I get logged in and I get started on everything, she laughs a little as I struggle on the work but, I knew that I was just passing time by being funny.

“Dude, do you know the reasoning?” I ask her

“No, I forgot it, but I  have a feeling it’s like super easy” she replies with a smile

“Oh, okay, cool” I slightly smile back at her

 We begin to finish up what we started about a week ago, I laugh as I finish before her. She laughs but, sighs a little as she tries to finish, I look at her and I lightly pat her head, she looks at me a bit confused at my actions but, she smiles anyway. I look at the time and I put my head on my desk hoping that time would go faster but, in reality it just goes slower, as the bell rings I get up and help Yesenia put away the laptops. I think about how sweet she is and I blush slightly as I realize that I almost bumped into,Chase, the guy I had a crush on for 5 years. My heart skips a beat hoping that I didn't look like a idiot in front of him, Yesenia looks at me, frozen where I stand, she takes my laptop and puts it away and she drags me outside.

“Yo, Ash? You alive?” she asks me as I snap back to reality

“U-um..Yeah I’m good” I reply holding my head slightly

“Why were frozen when you saw Chase?” she asks me, handing me her water bottle

“I..rather keep that to myself, and thanks” I say to her as I take her water bottle and drink it

  I feel off after drinking the water, all of a sudden a loud high pitched alarm echos through our area of the school, Yesenia covers her ears and so do I as everyone runs pass us screaming words that shocked me. My eyes widen as I look at a group of people with guns shooting at us, I quickly grab Yesenia and I run with her to a empty school building. My heart races as I try to block out the gunshots, me and Yesenia go to the corner of the room and hug each other. After three long hours of screaming and bodies hitting the ground the gunshots stop and the ground begins to tremble. I look at Yesenia as she begins to scream and cry, I grab her and hold her close, I try to act tough for her when I know I’m actually terrified, she grips onto me as the ground breaks and moves. I look at her as everything turns black and I knew from this moment our world was about to change…

 As light shines through the window of the building I try to move but, all I can feel is Yesenia’s arms around me gripping onto me. I look at her and see that she is hurt, I gasp slightly and I try to lift her to see what on her body is hurt, even know I’m also hurt. Seeing that her leg and left and right arm have cuts on them I quickly try to find the first aid kit in the broken, destroyed building that we are in. I cough a little as I look around the building and all I see is nothing but hell, I tear up as I quickly run outside and see the same thing, the sky which was no longer the bright blue sky that I loved to see every morning but, was now a light orange red sky with nothing but, death. I feel my body shiver in fear knowing that my family..and friends..might be dead, I clench my fists as tears fall down my face. It starts to rain a little as I stop crying and go back to Yesenia with the first aid kit that laid on the floor near the door, I patch her up and I hold her hand slightly tight.

“ I..Promise you..I won’t let you go and I will protect you with my life..Yesenia” I say as I lean on the wall still holding her hand

I look at my cuts on my body as I lean on the wall, with a sigh I patch myself up, as the sky begins to turn black I doze off and intertwine my fingers with Yesenia’s. As minutes turn to hours I feel empty so, I wake up and see that Yesenia sitting up looking at her knees still holding my hand, I let go of her hand and I stand up. She looks at me with fear in her eyes and all I can do is tell her that everything is going to be okay, even though that I’m not sure if it is. I help her up from the ground and we walk out of the ruins of the building, her eyes said why but, her body said another story.

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