Inuyasha, Kagome, and kikyo

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*Jerry Springer music comes on*

*Audience goes wild and chants Jerry's name*

Jerry!!! Jerry!!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!!

Jerry walks on stage and the audience starts cheering louder, jerry walks out to the audience and starts shaking people's hands, then he goes back on to the stage.


"Welcome everybody, on today's show,  I would like you to welcome inuyasha" Jerry said as he turned to inuyasha who was sitting down in the chair. " Hi inuyasha." Jerry said.

"Hi Jerry." Inuyasha said.

"So you mind telling us what's going on and why your here." Jerry said.

" Sure Jerry, well you see, me and my girlfriend have been together for three years now, I'm very much in love with her and I'm ready to settle down, so I actually brought her here to propose to her." Inuyasha said sincerely.

*The cowed awed*

" But I've also brought her here to tell her that... that I slept with her twin sister." Inuyasha said.

" ohhhhh!!!!!!!!" The crowd said surprised.

"Yeah,  I know,  I just want you get this secret out of the way so I can make things right with her and we can move on." Inuyasha said sadly.

"awwwwwwww" said the crowd.

"Well your girlfriend, is her name kagome? " Jerry said looking at his que cards.

"Yes,  her names kagome." Inuyasha said proudly.

"Well kagome is outside of our studio,  so she hasn't heard any of this." Jerry said. " Everybody welcome kagome" Jerry said as the audience clapped.

Kagome walked out on the stage, she had on a pretty white sun dress with white wedges, and her hair was up in a loose messy bun. Jerry shook her hand and she went and sat in the chair next to inuyasha.

Inuyasha leaned over and pecked kagome on the lips and the audience awed again.

"Hi kagome, welcome to the show." Jerry said.

" Hi Jerry,  it's nice to meet you. " Kagome said in her sweet voice.

" Kagome. " Inuyasha said in a shaky voice.

Kagome turned and looked inuyasha in the eyes, as he grabbed her hands and he looked her back into her eyes.

" Yes babe?" Kagome said.

" I know we've been through a lot of things, but we always manage to stick it out, I brought you here to ask you... will you marry me?" Inuyasha asked as he got out of the chair and down on one knee, he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened the box,  and looked up at kagome.

Kagome stood up out of her chair and she had her hand over her mouth, and unshed tears in her eyes.

"Yes." Kagome said as she nodded her head. " Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!" Kagome screamed in happiness.

Inuyasha placed the ring on kagome's finger, then he stood up and picked her up and spent her around while kissing her over and over.

"Awwwwww." Said the audience.

Inuyasha put kagome down and led her back to her seat so she could sit down so he could tell her his not so happy secret. Kagome sat back down and inuyasha sat right beside her once again,  he was nervous to tell his fiancee his heartbreaking secret, but he know he have to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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