Untitled Part 1

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Akuma Ko

Chapter 1

"Kai, get back here!" My stepfather's scathing voice cut across my daydreaming.

Not again... I groaned. "Yes, Henrold?" Looking over my shoulder, I instantly noticed why he was mad. The fire on the torch had turned black.

"What is this?" He demanded. "Have you tainted my torch with something? Maybe a spell, or some sorcery you summoners always have?"

"No," I decided not to care. Things like this always happened anyways.

"Stop lying! I know only half bloods and summoners can do this to fires!" That bastard of a man my mother married stepped forward and slapped my left cheek. "Fix it!"

Clenching my teeth, I walked over to the torch, and stared at it for a few moments. I knew what I had to think, and what I had to say, but something inside of me told me that it was time to do something about Henrold. I spun around, and grabbed him by his collar, then flipped him over my shoulder, slamming him against the stone streets of Umbuso. Several people walking, turned and stared at us. My fist was over his face, and tiny black flames flickered around it. "Life or death? Choose now."

"You little bitch!" Henrold raised his hand and his fingers turned into claws. He stabbed my chest, making me choke on my blood. "Cursed half bloods! You should belong in your rightful place!" He leaned close to my face, and I smelled his rancid breath. "You should be with the demons!"

I drew back my fist to punch him, but before I could, two peacekeepers ran over and threw me off him. "Akuma!" One of them, hissed, drawing a knife out of his pocket. He put it to my neck, threateningly.

I made three signs to him. Die in hell. Then after making those signs, a large summoning circle appeared in the ground, and a black wolf/lion with dragon wings stepped out of the void. Silky black fur rippled in the breeze, and green eyes glowed from the growing darkness of the setting sun.

"Kimera, you're just in time," I smiled threateningly at the peacemaker, whose grip loosened.

"Gort, let's get out of here! That beast is a class ten, one of most dangerous!" The other peacemaker started backing away, holding his knife in front of him protectively.

"Then how could a mere fourteen year old like him summon it? I mean, yeah, he's a half blood, and usually they tend to be prodigies in taming beasts, BUT STILL! I've seen this boy before, and his beast... it's treachery!"

As though it were offended, Kimera sank his fangs into the peacemaker's leg, causing the man to scream in agony.

A few more peacemakers were running over to help. I could make out their white uniforms, and the golden symbol on all of them. "It's time to go Kimera..." I waved my hand in the air, and black flames leaped across my fingers, making a huge wave of fire that flickered in front of the peacemakers, and Henrold. "Eat some flames, bastards!" I laughed, running away from them, and soon reached the gray, stone walls that sealed off the outer world from Umbuso.


I soon reached the Umbuso outskirts in only a few minutes. Kimera howled with triumph as the black flames in the city grew. You did well, master. It's thought was like a bell in my head.

Same goes for you. I slowed my pace to a jog, breathing heavily as I examined my wound. "Ugh," the sun had fully set by now, and I could almost see most of the constellations. "Being an escapee at night. Great." The sarcastic comment came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

Kimera shot a look at me. Is it natural for you to make those snarky comments when I'm here?

"No, but it pleases me when you get annoyed." I laughed as the wolf snorted. "Anyways, can you sniff out any shelter with that great, and o' wondrous nose of of yours?"

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