Chapter One: On The Surface

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Harry took in the air, smelling the crisp scent of sea salt. He took a hand and scooped up a handful of sand, before setting it back down.

He was calmly enjoying the view of the blue ocean that sat right behind his house. He'd just moved here, trying to get away from his family who didn't exactly enjoy the fact that he was gay.

The overwhelming aroma made the boy scrunch up his nose. He heard a sudden splash, a blonde coughing up water from his mouth. He looked confused and helpless.

Harry rushed to him in worry and didn't really have one thought on why or how the blondie got on his property in the first place.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do to help?" The raven boy gushed out more questions causing the other to just raise a brow in confusion.

"I- I.." was all the blue-eyed boy could say before looking at his new legs and letting out a piercing scream.

"W-what are those!?" He screeched, pointing to his long and pale legs.

"Your legs?" Harry spoke slowly, thinking that the boy was just crazy. The younger boy squeaked with happiness before trying to stand and failing.

Potter, of course, has caught him in his arms when he had almost fallen to his knees.

"Woah, they're so cute!" The blonde giggled as he wiggled his toes in excitement.

Harry's face softened at the sight of the very excited boy. He had to admit he was pretty cute.

"You must be freezing, let me carry you inside. It's obvious you don't exactly know how to use your legs right now." Potter chuckled, the taller boy nodding in absolute confusion but complied.

The raven stared away from the boy's naked body, carrying him inside and onto his soft black couch. He wrapped a fluffy towel around the boy and gave him a cup of hot tea.

"Are you okay now?" Harry asked, getting a simple nod from the boy.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter. What's your name?" The younger eyes widened, before he cleared his throat, an embarrassed blush on his face.

"Draco Malfoy." He spoke quietly, almost in a whisper. Harry smiled brightly and nodded.

"Why were you so surprised to see that you had legs?" The raven chuckled, staring at the boy's undressed legs.

"I've never had any before.." Draco grumbled, nervously moving his hands over his thighs.

"You have nicer legs than me.." He pouted almost angrily, causing the raven to burst out laughing.

"Thank you. But what exactly do you mean you've never had any?" Harry asked nervously, scared he'd just let a crazy person in his house.

"I live in the ocean. You need a tail to swim and so that's what I had. I read a book about legs but never knew I would be able to have any..." He muttered, pressing his lips together is a mouth closed smile.

"The book and also my father had told me humans with legs were hideous... That they have sharp, angry eyes. But you're not like that?" The blonde spoke as if it were a question. This had caused the raven to blush harshly since the boy had said he was basically handsome.

"How did you get legs then?" Harry asked in disbelief, Draco had to be crazy.

"I'm not sure. The last thing I remember was being hit with my fathers magic.." Harry shook his head, the boy was crazy and he was sure of it.

Before Potter could speak a single word, the blonde let out a loud cry.

"Potter!! It hurts!" He cried out, reaching for the others hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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