The Beginning

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  You panted heavily behind your protector mask from the heat from the furnaces of the blacksmith's workshop. You had been recently accepted as an apprentice to the blacksmith of your village, but holy Irene, you hadn't expected the heat to be this bad! Your arms were sore from the repeated slamming of the hammer, and your clothes were soaked with sweat. Your wings itched beneath the heavy cloth, but you kept them still. Yes, you had wings. Beautiful, glistening, color-changing, feathery wings. Only you, your girlfriend, and your parents knew.

  Speaking of girlfriend... You perked up at the sound of a familiar voice in the front, and paused in your hammering of the sword you were working on. You walked out of the firey room and flipped up the mask, looking over to see your one and only Katelyn. Her light, sky blue hair waved slightly in the breeze and as her eyes darted to you, your heart almost literally skipped a beat. You smiled at her and she nodded her head in your direction, a small smile dancing across her lips. Her guard armor was shiner than ever, you had just helped polish it yesterday. 

  You walked over to her, stripping the apron off you and setting the mask down on an anvil. You looked to Burt, the blacksmith, for approval to take a break, and he just shrugged and waved you off. You happily looked to Katelyn but she was already walking off. You just chuckled and followed her, cooling off quickly in the fall atmosphere. You didn't say anything, and neither did she, both of you strolling through the streets of your little village. 

  Suddenly, without any warning at all, you were shoved into an alley wall. You yelped but was cut off by Katelyn kissing you deeply, pressing you against the wall. Your face flushed easily but you kissed back briefly before she pulled away, looking at you with a smug expression on her face. You glared at her playfully, blushing furiously.

  "W-What in the name of Irene was that for?!" Your voice cracked a little on the words, and Katelyn chuckled.

  "I like surprising you like that. You're cute when you're flustered." This just made you blush more and make a little "hmph!" sound. You both stared at each other for a few moments before collapsing into laughter. You took a couple seconds to calm down but you hugged Katelyn happily, the laughter still reverberating in your chests. Her laugh slowed to a chuckle, and she hugged you back.

  "Ah... i've missed you Katey.. It feels like it's been years since i last saw you."

  "I just saw you last night!"

  "I know but still!" You both giggled a little and held each other fondly, quieting down and enjoying each other's presence.

  "Soooo.. do you wanna... uh... just walk around orr?" Katelyn looked down at you slightly, since you were a few inches shorter than her. You shrugged, looking around. Suddenly a loud growl echoed off the walls and Katelyn stared at you with an unreadable expression. You blushed furiously again and held your stomach, internally screeching at it to shut up. Katelyn just laughed again and took you to the bakery, where she bought you a loaf of warm bread to share. You both strolled beside the docks, just enjoying eachother. You were both still young, you had so much time ahead of you, but you wanted to spend all of it with Katelyn. 

  And you did. You spent 6 years together, and you had loved each other every day of those years. She eventually went off to train as a guard, and you tried to keep in touch. You guys got older but she still visited.

  Until... One day.. she didnt. She disappeared, and even though you tried to contact her she wouldnt answer. Your letters were never received, and you assumed she was dead. 

  5 years passed, and you were murdered along with your entire village by Shadow Knights, and you were reborn as one of them.

  Another 5 passed, and you were still filled with hate, although you had become one of the leading generals in the Shadow Knight army. 

  15 years had come and gone since she had disappeared, and you were now the second in command of the Shadow Knights. Gene trusted you, as did the other guards. You had proved your loyalty time and time again, and never strayed from your missions. You were one of the best guards in the Nether, but they all knew you were odd. 


  Because you were one of the very, very few guards that had resisted the memory alteration. You wanted to remember. You wanted to remember Katelyn, how you loved her, and how she left you. Whenever you felt weak, you just though of her, and you were filled with rage. Sometimes you had to walk away from the base to cool down, else you accidentally destroy it. 

  That was what you were doing at the moment,  sitting on a large cliff of netherrack, looking out over the huge expanses of lava. Your thoughts were drifting to old memories of her, how her beautiful blue eyes looked like they held the summer sky in them... how her unnaturally blue hair looked like the clearest lake... 

  You're suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of distant footsteps. You got up and looked toward the rebel base, which you could see from here. There were people on the bridge.... One of them had black hair, the other had golden. The third... No.. It cant be.... You crept closer, but stopped. It was. It was her. She was here. What was she doing here? How was she even here? 

  You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as you snuck around the group. You quickly made your way to the Nether portal, but stopped when you saw Zane. He turned to you, his one blue eye glaring. It looked nothing like Katelyn's...

  "What are you doing here? Come to capture me?" His voice is low and almost a growl.

  You chuckle briefly, shaking your head. "No no, i'll do that later.. for now im just going to go out and greet the world, see how it's changed, y'know? I haven't been out in a while." He rolls his eyes and heads out quickly, disappearing through the portal. You pause, thinking over your possible options, before heading out about a minute after him. Zane is caught up in fighting another Shadow Knight, and you make a quick escape. You use your given shadow magic to alter your appearance to look like a normal citizen, and sneak through the city undetected. 

  Once you were out of the walls, you looked back at the city, taking a deep breath of fresh air. You closed your eyes, feeling the sunlight filter onto your skin through the trees. When you open your eyes, their blood red, and that familiar spark of anger lights in your core.

  Time to go wreck your girlfriend's life...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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