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Sunday nights were the worst.

Changkyun had realized that the moment his roommate Jooheon had gotten himself a bloody girlfriend. Ever since then, he'd been chased out of his own dorm room every Sunday around seven because from the moment they'd started dating Sunday nights had been proclaimed as date nights.

And since Jooheon's girlfriend was still living with her parents and because both of them couldn't afford a nice hotel room Jooheon had begged Changkyun on his knees to leave them alone for at least three hours every Sunday. And like any decent human being would, he had agreed to it without thinking twice.

Because when Jooheon and that girl had first started dating it didn't seem like a big deal. Changkyun had thought that the honeymoon phase would wear off quickly and that Jooheon would be fed up with her soon after because that had been the case with all of his former girlfriends. But he was dating the same girl for over a year now and didn't show any signs of getting bored with her anytime soon judging by the constant giggling and frequent kissing every time she came over.

So that's how he ended up in that damn coffee shop just a few blocks away from his dormitory every Sunday. He was a regular by now and every waiter knew his name. They didn't even bother to take his order anymore, bringing him the same cup of dark chocolate mocha to the exact same table right next to the large windows at the far end of the store.

He knew that they called him the "sunday-night-coffee-guy" behind his back but Changkyun wasn't bothered by it anymore. Just like how he wasn't bothered by them staring at him every time he came over.

He just sat down and quietly read a book while drinking his mocha. And on nights like this, when it was pouring outside he even enjoyed it a little since he was the only customer.

Sure, at first he'd tried to do something new and exciting every Sunday like going to the movies, the arcade or even the aquarium. But first of all it had been way too expensive for somebody without a regular job and only little monthly allowance. And second of all it had become dull relatively quickly because most of the time he was forced to go out by himself. His friend Minhyuk had to go back home every weekend to help his parents at their restaurant and Shownu, the senior he'd gotten to know through Jooheon in his freshman year, was usually immersed in his dance practice for either an audition or preparing for the final exam of his choreography major.

Damn, when he'd moved to Seoul to start studying at the Korea National University of Arts he'd thought that his life would take a turn, suddenly becoming this exciting mixture of wild parties, interesting lectures and late night conversations with people that were just like him. Instead, he was swamped with exams, essays, and deadlines while getting kicked out of his own dorm room over some random girl.

Changkyun let his head fall into his hands before he took a deep breath. It was useless to get angry over all this and he knew it. Things wouldn't change just because he'd become all riled up and frustrated.

He'd survived things way worse.

He'd been to hell and back because of-

"Holy sh*t! I told you we shouldn't have gone out!"

Changkyun lifted his gaze as he heard an oddly familiar male voice. He looked towards the door just to let out a deep and long sigh. Well wasn't he one lucky fellow? Just the bunch of idiots he'd needed to make his night even more shitty.

Yoo Kihyun, the self-proclaimed pretty boy of campus, walked through the doors of the café, violently shaking his head like some sort of wet dog as he tried to dry off the rain that had completely soaked his dark grey hair as well as his upper body.

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