I don't know who I am

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 (A/N: This is my first fanfic so it may be a little cruddy. So sorry in advance.)

Christopher Bang was a normal teenage boy, anyone could see that. He had smooth skin, angular brown eyes, pink round lips, and a button nose. He followed the rules, brushed his teeth every morning and night, combed his hair, went to school, and had impeccable manners. Christopher even came home before curfew with lots of time to spare. He was fortunate enough to have two parents, who made sure he followed all rules, and gave Chris his mandatory daily pills. And like every other teen in Battery City he couldn't see colors. 

        No one was able to differentiate color in Bat City unless you were an adult, which was a good thing. It kept everyone in line so that there would be no negativity. There would be no rebellion. There would be no disorder. Everything would be perfect. Especially at Better Living Prep. 

BLP was Better Living Industries' way to train the workers of tomorrow- or at least that's what the pamphlet said. It was a technologically advanced boarding school, with high standards. The standards were so high that only the finest students in Battery City could get in. Christopher's parents did as much as they could to enroll him in the school, which eventually accepted him as soon as he graduated eighth grade. His parents were disappointed that he didn't make it into the school sooner, but they were happy their son had achieved his goal. Plus, if Chris graduated with top marks, he could be able to join a rank of exterminators, which was all a parent in Bat City could ask for. If your child became an exterminator, you were automatically the talk of your neighborhood.

(A/N:Okay now that we got descriptions out of the way, let's get to most of the story!)

Chris was wheeling a cart down a hallway. The brown haired boy was tasked with giving all of the students on his floor their pills. He had volunteered for the job thinking it'd be a good way to show his responsibility and maybe even get a leg up on the rest of the students when it came to job selection, but he found out it was a tiring job that got annoying after a while. As he walked down the bright white halls of dorms the wheels of the cart squeaked in a manner that made Christopher growl a little. The sound was quite shrill and obnoxious and echoed through the halls. Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Like a small mouse. The brunette boy sighed

Why did I want to do this again?

He thought as he pushed the cart along. He heard a light chime go off and some students stepped out of their dorms in a timely manner. In the section Chris was servicing eight boys came out of their rooms and held out their hands. Each boy was dressed in a white shirt and white pants with matching white shoes. Their hair varied, but most of the styles were variations of the same short hair. If they didn't have name tags an outsider wouldn't  be able to tells these boys apart from Christopher. In a quick manner Chris gave each boy one simple red pill and a small cup of water. Before they took their pills another chime went off and a voice spoke over a monitor. 

"Hello Children . This is the director. It is time for your nightly pills again. Be happy now and keep smiling." 

As soon as the voice went away two chimes went off again and the children all took their pill and drank their water before returning to their respective dorm. Christopher would've been mildly creeped out by this if he was new to such a process, but he did this everyday. This was normal.

After taking his cart back to the nurse's office Chris walked back to his room in a timely fashion. The fluorescently lit halls were dimming down for the night and he wanted to get to his room before lights out. The pale boy turned a couple of corners before gazing upon a metal door with his initials on them, he slowly turned the knob and walked into his dorm. As soon as Christopher closed the door his door locked and he sat on the bed thinking of what would happen the next day. He then realized that his thoughts were silly as every day for him was a pattern. Wake up, eat,take pills,go to class, eat again, recess, cleaning, pills again, then sleep. Chris lounged on his bed and thought of the pattern again and again before lulling himself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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