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Who can tell me where Maria is?

At the cold end of Ikogosi spring

I looked at the flow of this cold spring

I thought Maria sitting by the side of this cold spring

But this cold end of my Ikogosi

Became an ocean current

It was an endless search in

My pacific ocean

I looked at the warm end of my Ikogosi

It was better than a hot plate

Where is my Maria?

I could only find a clone Maria

At the Ikogosi convergence

There lies cloned Maria

Mixed in the hot and cold spring

Conjugation gave me a minute sense

It was not Maria’s unique bonding

All I recall was Maria makes me whole

All grave become six more feet

The undertakers carried a living corpse

It was a condolence of Ignorance

Despite who I am now

I know Maria left with a part of me

If she came back, bonding was same

Then who is this drone after bonding

Written by:



University of Benin

Department of English


Oscillation is a poem that portrays the social transaction between two ‘die hard’ lovers.

Unlike Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet where the story lies on the distinction in status between Romeo background and that of Juliet. The lovers in this poem (oscillation) experienced not only status difference,but class differences. The poet justifies the experience of the lovers in Oscillation with an identity to that of the experience of Jack and Rose in the movie entitled ‘Titanic’ and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in respect of statues and class differences.

The poem does not only wear a tragic blanket but also has elements of chaos becoming the order of the day for both lovers.

Line 1-5of the poem tell us about the mood of one of the lovers.

Line 1-5

Who can tell me where Maria is?

At the cold end of Ikogosi spring

I looked at the flow of this cold spring

I thought Maria sitting by the side of this cold spring

The preceding expression by the lover in this poem tells how experience several mood swings in his subconscious. The subconscious of the lover in this poem is likened to the cold end of IKOGOSI.

The IKOGOSI warm spring is a tourist attraction located at IKOGOSI, a town in Ekiti state, Southern western Nigeria. Flowing abreast the warm spring is another cold spring at a confluence, each maintaining its thermal properties. The attributions of IKOGOSI warm and cold spring’s thermal properties to the loves subconscious is figurative and tends to be factual of the natural , sometimes mixed feelings of humans.

Line 10I looked at the warm end of my Ikogosi

Here line 10 of the poem shows the expression of the lover as this thought roam the warm end of IKOGOSI spring. Even in the lover’s subconscious and his physical search for his Maria, he ends up confused .

This poem has a story line. It began with two passionate lovers who began experiencing challenges because of parental religious background and class distinction. The main story has it that the parents of the boy(Jubril) who are very rich and are Muslims introduced a plan to get rid of their son’s Maria who was a Christian and from a very poor background. The parent  of Maria where not also in support of their daughters relationship with Jubril. The parents of Jubril decided to clone another Maria for their son,but after love making with cloned Maria ,Jubril’s confusion becomes more of a tangle. His suspicious and doubt becomes more stronger. He suspects he is not with the same Maria he loves.

The poet intention analyse the deep thought of Jubril love for Old Maria and doubt for cloned Maria. The poet MORDI IFEANYI APEX also seek to portray the religious misfit and class conflicts in an under-developed society, a developing society and sometimes a developed society.

The poet main intention of this poem is to let us understand the ‘ products’ of religious and class wars.

Jubril new transformation in confusion, cloned Maria and old Maria are all results of this religious,and class wars. The lover (Jubril) in the poem expresses thus:

Lines 18-21

Conjugation gave me a minute sense

It was not Maria unique bonding

All I recall was Maria make me whole

All grave became six more feet

Line 25-28

Despite who I am now

I know Maria left with a part of me

If she came back, bonding was same

Then who is this drone after bonding

The above expression from Jubril is his new state when his doubts for the cloned Maria become stronger.

Despite the accident he had,he could still distinguish that the woman with him is not really his true Maria. Even love making with cloned Maria confirms his doubts.

To get the full novel contact the author of the novel  “oscillation

Mordi ifeanyi Apex


Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

What are you contribution,opinion  and views about the poem in relation to the society?

Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

Written by:

Kogwuonye Patrick Onyeka


University of Benin

Credited to :

Those who experience religious crisis,  social, class and status misfit in the society

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