New start

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I wake up and put on my skirt and my saggy shirt tucked in my skirt. My mom comes up to my room, " sweetie are you sure? I mean it's dangerous you've only learned some spells" I look at her with a sad face " Mom I'm trying not to blame this all on you, but this is your fault that I don't even know some of the commoners spells. You took that life away from me and now I want it back" I walked in my bathroom and took a pink and blue rubber band and tide up my hair in a tight ponytail with two small sections of my hair hanging in front  of my face, curled up like a spiral. She put her hand on my shoulder and I turned around kinda of shaken, " Look honey, I know it's my fault and I should have never kept you away from the magic world but it's scary and big out there and that's why I ran away from that world and forgot my roots in the first place" I turn around and put my last book in the backpack, " mom I'm late for school I got to go" I walked out of my room with the imagination of being the greatest which in the whole academia.

Pr . As Z sqqqsqI walk in school like always but with a whole new type of spirit. I almost skipped to my locker I was so exited to start the witches academia next month after school ends and the summer starts. I still had to deal with my problems though, I get pushed head first into my locker. "Hey fatty! Who told you that outfit was legal why don't you just stop eating so much and be a normal human being" I take my head out of my locker with a red mark on my four head I turn around "look I'm not normal I'm special and you have a problem so back off" I took my science book and slammed my locker door and turned around, smiled. She was shocked because out of the fifteen years she's been bullying me I have never done anything like this. I walked away, I'm telling you, I have a new confidence!

Science class had just ended I was  about ready to just go home but the thought of me being in the witches academia gave me a little energy to keep going. While I was walking to my next class PE I saw Megan Marty, also known as my bully sense I was one years  old. We used to be close because of course she was my step sister I mean still is but she didn't want her secret getting out so she bullied me into silence. I know messed up but hey you get used to after years of it happ- ening but not today! Or any other day, I was ready to come out of my shell! I'm going to be a witch after all and this was going to change my life forever, after all my classes I had to head home to be honest I wish it was already the end of the month! Don't get me wrong I'll miss my one best friend but i have a chance for a new life and that chance is coming by real slow. You know how they say when you wait time passes by slower? Yeah that what it felt like or more than likely what it was! People always said witches are a myth just a another Halloween tale, but look at me now going to a school just for witches!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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