Thomas & The War Part 1

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It was 1939 on The Island Of Sodor and Thomas was running his branch line very nicely. He had just arrived at Elsbridge Station where Gordon was waiting with the Express. "Hello Gordon". "Hi Thomas, How are you"?. "I'm Fine Thanks!" Peep "Got to go Thomas, Can't be late" and Gordon left with his Express for London. After about 10 minutes, Thomas left Elsbridge For Knapford where his trucks were waiting. As he arrived, he spotted Percy shunting coaches for Edward to take to Wellsworth to collect some school children to take them on their excursion. "Hello Edward" whistled Thomas as he puffed into platform 3. "Hello Thomas. How are you today?". "I'm Fine. I am just here to collect some troublesome trucks and take them to the quarry at the end of my Branchline" Thomas replied. Just then the guards whistle blew and he jumped into the last coach on Edward Train. "Got to Go" He Said and he puffed to Wellsworth

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