Part 1/1

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Dear Stan,
There's something I've needed to tell you. Ever since 4th grade. I like you. No It's much more than that now... I love you Stan Marsh. 4th grade I started questioning if I liked you. Finally by 6th grade I know it had to be. Now, in 10th grade I know it. I love you.
-Kenny McCormick

'Fuck fuck fuck!' I thought as i crumpled up the 9th note that I've wrote today and threw it on my stained carpet. I put my head down on my desk. 'Why can't I just tell him. Is it really that hard?'

Just then is when I heard a knock on the front door and my mom scream "Kenny it's for you". I throw on my orange parka. I tightened it around my face so my voice was fairly muffled. Then I looked at the note that I had just threw and picked it up and shoved it in my pocket. "Coming!" I walked out of my room, past my sister who was sitting on the couch watching television. I open the door... It was Kyle. "Oh hey dude" I said with a happy tone in my voice. Kyle was a good friend to me. Maybe he could help me out with Stan. "Dude wanna come over my house for the night, maybe play some video games and stuff?"
"Fuck yeah!"

I hate being in my house so I took up every opportunity to get out of that place. I didn't bother to tell my mom where I was going I mean, she doesn't care all that much. We walked to his house talking about how schools been and stupid little drama that's been going on. "Yeah and speaking of Wendy I heard her and Stan are together... Again." My heart sank. 'Why? She doesn't treat him right and I'm fairly certain Stan doesn't even like her all that much!' I caught myself staring at the ground but quickly picked my head up so Kyle didn't expect anything. "What is this? The 100th time!" I said jokingly . Kyle laughed as he opened the door to his house. His parents went on a vacation and Ike was with a friend. He went into the kitchen and came back with a huge bowl of chips for us to share and individual cups of soda for me and him. I flip through his Xbox games as he set the cups on each side of the couch and the chips in the middle. I put in Call of Duty Black Ops II.

As I sat on the couch I handed him a controller when I heard his phone vibrate. It was a text message. Curiously I looked over and... It was Stan. He picked up his phone to open the message. My heart was nearly beating our of my chest but I'm not too sure why. I guess I just got butterfly's around his or even when I hear or see his name! "I can't do this dude. I can't pretend to like Wendy any longer. Have you found out yet? Does he?" Kyle held his phone a but closer to his face to respond making it unable of me to read what he was typing. 'I knew he didn't like her!' I smiled. 'But what did that last part mean. Does he. Who's he? Was it me? Or was it someone else?whoever he's talking about it seems to be some pretty serious information.' "Kenny?" A pause. "Kenny!" Kyle screamed. I quickly looked over at him. "You okay dude? It's seems like you have something on your mind" I hesitated. What should I tell him? "I-it's just some family problems"

"You're never THIS upset over your family. I mean, you're not even close with them!"

I reached into my pockets to find the crumpled up note. I flattened it out as I read through it again. A tear shed from my eye. "Dude what's w-" I cut him off by throwing the paper on the ground and running out. I started slowly walking down the street, dragging my feet and eyes set in the ground. I wasn't sure where my destination was but it didn't matter anyways because after a few minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back to see Kyle. He had the note in his left hand. He hugged me tightly and said softly in my ear "tell him."I quickly backed away

"No way dude"

"Fine! Do what you will! But I'm just saying I think it might be a good idea to just tell him."

I stood there and just thought for what seemed like forever. After a while of thinking I grabbed the note from my friends hand while looking up at him and smiling. I playfully punched his upper arm "thanks dude."
"I'll see you tomorrow at the bus stop okay?"

"Of course"

We walked back to our houses as it started getting late. It was 11 by the time I get home. I threw my parka on the floor next to my bed then tried to get some sleep. I was unsuccessful. I constantly woke up nearly screaming. 'Just stop thinking about it. When the time comes ill know what to do.' After 3:30 I finally fell asleep until 6Am when I wake up for school .
My eyes were slightly red with purple rings under my eyes. I put on the orange jacket I wear every day and walk out the door. As I near the bus stop I can see Cartman and Kyle talking to each other. Well, they more that likely not talking, but arguing. I sigh. Then I see Stan staring straight down at his phone. ' well this is it' I though as I was just footsteps away from him.
"S-Stan..." I said nervously. He looked up from his phone and smiled. "Hey dude what's up?" With hands shaking I reached into my pocket, pulling out the note, handing it to Stan and quickly walking over to Kyle and Cartman. They were arguing like always. "Shut up fat ass!"

"Maybe I will when you stop being a fucking Jew!"

"I'm getting really sick of you fat boy"

"Well at least my moms not a bitch"

"Don't call my mom a bitch!!"

I just stood there listening and every few seconds looking over at Stan. Each time I looked over his face it had more of a red tone to it. This started to make me nervous. I started shaking and sweating and my face turned slightly pink. At that time Cartman looked over at me. "What's your problem Kenny? Got a little gay crush or something?"
"Shut up Cartman!" I said as my face turned red in anger. I went to punch him when I felt someone grab my wrist to stop me. I looked behind me. I-it was Stan who was looking directly into my eyes with red cheeks. I un-clenched my fist, stopped shaking and my face returned to normal color. He rapped his arms around the back of my neck. Hesitating, I finally placed my hands on his hips. Since I was taller than him I looked down at him. He closed his eyes and begin bringing his face toward mine. Our lips meet for the first time. After a soft, loving kiss I hugged him tightly. "You should've told me sooner."
When we both remembered that Cartman and Kyle were still here we turned around facing them. Kyle was smiling, clearly happy that in a way ,he made this happen. "Ahhh fuckin' weak"

"Shut up fat ass! Can't you see that they're both happy! You're just mad that no one will ever like you the way they like each other."
I felt a stupid smile come across my face then looking over at Stan I saw he had the same smile on his face. I then looked down and reached for Stan's hand. Our fingers interlocked and I felt my face turn pink. "S-screw you Kyle" Cartman stuttered then looked down at the ground. The bus pulled up in front of us. I looked over at Stan and smiled and he smiled back then we both walked into the bus to begin our new life as lovers.

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