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"so many things,
i would say to you,
i want you"

"you! you did this! you know how delicate he is!" mrs. kaspbrak yelled at the kids as she pulled eddie's non-injured arm towards her car.

"we were attacked m-mrs.k." bill watched as she opened her car door.

"no, don't! don't try and blame anyone!"

eddie sat down in the car and looked down in embarrassment, he hated when his mom was overprotective over him. mrs. k then dropped her keys.

"here let me help you." beverly bent down to reach them but was stopped by her mrs.k.

"no don't. oh i've heard of you ms. marsh. and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

"mrs. k! i s-suh-swear.." bill tried to talk.

"no! you are all monsters! all of you! and eddie is done with you! do you hear me? done!"

eddie looked out of the car window and quietly cried. mrs. kaspbrak then got in the car and drove away. the kids then walked towards the road watching as eddie got taken away.

"i saw the well house. w-w-we know where it is a-and next time we'll be better prepared." bill stuttered.

"no! no next time. bill are you crazy? both y/n and eddie are fucking hurt! y/n almost got killed! did you not see her? she's in the fucking hospital because of that stupid clown!" richie yelled.

"richie's right! no next time bill! you're insane!" stan added.

"why? we all know no one else is going to do anything." beverly defended bill.

"both eddie and y/n are in the hospital! if both of them were in there a little bit longer they both would have been killed!" richie cried. "and look at this motherfucker! he's leaking hamburger helper!" richie pointed at ben's stomach.

"we can't pretend it's going away! ben you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years!" beverly again protected bill.

"fine! i'll be 40 and far away from here!" ben snapped. "i thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too."

"because i want to run towards something, not away."

"i'm sorry who invited molly ringwald into the group?" richie asked as beverly flipped him off.

"richie.." stan began to say but got cut off.

"i mean, i'm just saying, let's face facts! real world! georgie is dead! stop getting other people killed by trying to get georgie back!" richie yelled as he tried to pass by bill but bill grabbed him.

"georgie's not dead!" bill raised his voice.

"you couldn't save him. but you can still save yourself." richie again tried to walk by.

"no! t-t-take it back! you're scared and we're a-all scared but take it back!" bill pushed Richie. "take it back!"

richie then pushed bill, who just punched him, richie falling down.

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