Chapter 1

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It was a cold and windy night. Lauren definitely regretted going to that party. Her head was pounding due to the alcohol she consumed there. God, what would her mother say when she saw her 16 year old daughter almost drunk coming home in the middle of the night. Well, she was about to find least that's what Lauren thought. Her mom's never been that kind of person that would let her go with just a warning. Usually she would slap her daughter at least once. Lauren shuddered at the thought of being hit again. She already had enough problems in her life...

Wrapping her arms around her body, she continued the long way home. She still had 20 minutes infront of her when she heard something behind her back. It was a car, slowly driving behind her. She didn't turn around but she picked up her pace. She wasn't going to lie, she really was scared but there's nothing she could do. She left her phone at home and even if she had had it with her, her mom wouldn't have made the effort to come and get her.

After a while the car stopped which made Lauren let out a relieved breath. She was panicking for no reason. She pulled her beanie over her ears and kept walking until she suddenly felt a hand on her back. She jumped in surprise and turned around. She nearly fell though. Thanks to her her half-drunken state.

Infront of her was a man. Lauren guessed her was in his late 20s or early 30s. For an old dude he was rather good looking but not like hot or anything. He wore a simple black hoodie with jeans and sneakers.

"Can I help you?" Lauren slurred.

"The question is, can I help you, young lady?" he smiled, "It's dangerous for a young girl to walk around at that time. Especially under the influence of alcohol. I'm gonna give you a ride home."

Lauren had a strange feeling with that guy. The alarm bells in her head started to ring. Something wasn't right here and she was sure of it. That's why she quickly turned away, mumbling, "No thanks!"

She was about to start runnig when something or more like someone tackled her to the ground. They had talked about situations like this at school but she never really paid attention, thinking something like that would neer happen to her. Guess she was wrong. 

"HEEEEELP! HEE-"   her screams were muffled by a hand. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but there was no use. He was too strong and the alcohol in her system made her even weaker. The man waited for one minute until Lauren's entire strengh had left her body from all the moving and fighting  before he dragged her over to his silver van. He threw her in as if she was nothing but he kept the hand on her mouth. With the free hand he rummaged through a back pack until he finally found what he's been looking for. Whatever it was, he pressed it over Lauren's nose. It took her two seconds to realize what it was. One second too late. She had already breathed in the Chloroform on the cloth which was placed on her nose. She started fighting again but only a short moment later her eyes got heavy and the last thing she saw before she fell into the darkness was her kidnappers evil grin...


It wasn't until two days later that she finally woke up. She didn't dare to open her eyes though. Maybe it all was just a dream. That's what she hoped. But what if it wasn't?

"Guys? I think she's waking up," a voice came out of nowhere. She heard the footsteps from  several people coming closer.

"Really?" another voice asked. The voices didn't seem familiar. Who were those people? All Lauren knew was that the voices belonged to females but that's about it. Her only way to find out was to open her eyes. She didn't have a choice really. She couldn't just play dead hoping they would leave her alone. Maybe she fainted on her way home and those people found her...she tried to convince herself that something like that happend.

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