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Alexa's POV
6:00 A.M
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and thought 'great another day in that hell hole'. Hi, My name is Alexa Black I'm 17 years young and well I live with my Abusive Dad. My Mom died a couple of years ago due to cancer. And that's when it all started. My dad drinking a lot. Getting so drunk that he would hit me. And then one day he stopped getting drunk just to hit me. But any ways I have to go to school.
I get up and pick out my clothes. Today I just decided on some black ripped skinny jeans and a white pull over hoody. I put on mascara and lipgloss. Put my hair up in a bun. Get on my cherry vans. Get my backpack and head out the door. When I get to school I immediately go to my locker just to save me from having to talk to people. I almost forgot to mention I don't have friends. I just don't really like having friends. I put the books I don't need for my first 3 periods away in my locker and then take out my phone and earbuds and put them in. The song "sweater weather" comes on. Just then I hear the locker next to me open I look over and see the one and only Grayson Dolan. The bell rings I take my earbuds out put my phone in my bag and walk to my 1st period. (Time skip cuz I'm lazy asf)
At lunch I get my food and go to my usual table, Take my phone out and put my earbuds in I blast my rap music while I eat.
10 minutes later
Someone walks up to me and takes my earbuds out
"What the hell!" I yell
"Chill I noticed you were alone and was wondering if you wanted to come sit with me and my friends" he said.
Just then I looked up and saw it was Grayson I didn't know that he was nice. We never really talked.
"Umm sure" I said with slight hesitation
" cool follow me" he said as he grabbed my backpack and tray. (Another time skip)
Aggggggggg I have science whatever
I walk into my science class and I see the new seating arrangement I find my new seat and sit down
I see Grayson look at the chart and smirk and look at me. He walks over and sits next to me.
"Looks like we are gonna be lab partners"he says
"Looks like it" I say back.
I don't really remember much about that class all I know is that me and Grayson have to do a project together so. The bell rings and Grayson asks
"So do you want to come over today so we can work on the project"he asked
"Ummm yeah sure just let me ask my dad"I say
"Okay I will meet you in the parking lot" he said
"Okay" I said

"Hey daddy I was just wondering if I could go to a classmates house to work on a project" i sent the text and got a response.
"Whatever" he said
I walk out to the parking lot and see Grayson playing on his phone.
"Hey" I say
"Hey so can you come over" he asked 
"Yeah" I said
"Okay get In" he said.
(Time skip)
We have been working on the project for a while now and he hasn't said any thing at all.
"Hey Alexa?" He said
"Yeah"I said back
"Tell me about yourself I don't k ow anything about you" he said
"Well my name is Alexa Black I'm 17 my Mom died when I was 10 and well my dad h-he" I said
"You can tell me okay I won't tell anyone" he said
"He is mentally and Physically abusive he has been ever sense my mom died" by now I was in full on tears I didn't like talking about it.
"Hey hey don't cry" he said
He got up and hugged me but just a small hug like a hug you could live in. I was crying nonstop until I saw the time 7:46 "oh shit I have to go home I'm sorry" I say grabbing my stuff frantically
" okay let me take you home also if you ever need anything I wrote my number on the back of your binder okay" "okay".
I walk into my house and try to be as quiet as I can be. But as I stepped on the first step it creaked and my dad appeared out of no where and slapped me in the face I ran up the stairs and into my room and locked the door. I could here his foot steps coming up the stairs. I got out my binder and put Grayson's number into my phone.
"Hello" he said
"Grayson I'm sorry for calling but I really need you. My dad is hitting me do you think you could please come and get me."I said In tears holding my face
"Of course I am on my way get some clothes and climb out of your window make sure you get you backpack okay!" He said with a lot of concern and anger.
"Okay thank you" I said
I packed up some of my clothes and grabbed my back pack,phone charger,and my blanket my mom gave me. I got a text from Grayson saying he was here. I climbed out of my window and hopped down and ran to Grayson's car I put my stuff in his back seat. He drove away and when we pulled up to his house he got out of the car and so did I he ran to me and hugged me.

Hehehehehehehe okay so hi I'm lily and this is my new story I really hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to comment and vote on it I love going through and reading all the comments Okay love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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