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Breaking News

On the night of June 15, 2014, the daughter of local resident, Barbara Jones disappeared into the woods at 7:34 last night. Elysia Jones, age 10, has been diagnosed with the Beckoning. "She walked out of bed and out the door last night." Barbara said," she was very pale, she acted as if she was in a trance, and kept saying, 'I need to find my baby. I need to join them. I'm on the list. They are Beckoning me.' It really scared me." Elysia Marie Jones was described with waist length auburn hair, blue eyes, about 4 foot 3, and if anyone as information on the disappearance, call Barbara Jones at 558-169-2694 or contact the local police. John Hayes. Georgetown Central News Line

I turned off the TV after John signed of for the night. This is what happens ever 3rd Tuesday of every month. A girl under 13 goes into the woods saying their greatest treasure is calling to them. They disappear forever and me and my 2 best friends are trying to find them. I don't believe that I will be part of the Beckoning. I'm 13 and 1/2 and my only treasures are people. Tyler Hayes, John Hayes's son, my dog Mazy, and my BFFs. I don't think they even count. Tyler especially. He has wavy dirty blonde hair, sparkly hazel eyes, and is very hunky. The doorbell rang in the middle of my daydream that was TOTALLY NOT Tyler related. When I answered the door, My BFFs,Joe and Jazzmyn Berkizer stood at my doorstep. " Hey GG," (GG=Gracie Garcia) "Hear bout the disappearance? Poor chick." Jazzi said. She flipped her bright blonde hair out of her face. Her cousin, Joe, started blabbering once again," Get your bag so we can start hunting."

Every morning after a disappearance, we go hiking to find clues for where the victim went, but all we find is the treasure of the victim. Last month, a nine year old had a china doll as her treasure. We found it in a lot with stumps that formed a perfect circle. I picked up the doll and a voice rang in my head," You're on the list.... Prepare to be Beckoned!" I screamed to the sheriff's office and threw the doll away. He put it in a safe and he said it kept saying warnings about me at night and one day, it vanished into thin air... Never to be seen again. It scared the crap out of me.

When I grabbed our supplies, we started to hike. Once in the circle, I grabbed our daily map of the stumps.I set up the tent about 7:30.





That night, we discussed the plan for the next few days. We would wake up early, look for clues, and move from our current position. After an hour, everybody fell asleep. I woke up and checked my iPhone and my clock read 4:52... Almost time to wake up and move. All I heard was silence until I heard a whisper outside the tent saying weird things like," It's almost time. Come young Grace. It's almost time." A squeaky, haunted voice that came from above. I woke up my friends to see their zombie like faces... Ew..."What do you want... It's not even 5:10 yet." Joe complained. "Shut up and listen you guys." Not a sound. "Are you okay GG..." And then we all heard,"Don't fret Jazzi... You'll be in her shoes soon...tell her GG...." We ran outside with our flashlights and our special baseball bats...prepared for anything

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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