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I can't stand to fly
I'm not that nïeve
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

You had known Alfred for years, and everything about him was absolutely perfect to you. His hair was always sloppy, but that's the way you liked it. His ocean colored orbs always looked so defined behind his glasses, but you also loved it when he didn't wear them. That dorky smile he put on gave you goosbumps, of course, in a good way.

I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
And it's not easy
To be me

But, through all those years, you and Alfred had a secret from the rest of society. A secret that only the CIA and FBI wonder about. A secret that little boys and girls fantasized about.

Alfred was, in fact, Superman. He was the Hero everyone wondered about. Whenever he yelled out "I'm the hero!", he was telling the truth. But, because of how silly he actually acted, no one ever took him seriously. He would go home each day and sulk about it.

He was the one saving the town from evil and mayhem, but nobody knew. This is the reason he wore the glasses; a perfect disguise.

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see

You and Alfred had been dating about 2 years when the incident happened. You were at work that afternoon when a loud crash was heard. You had a job as a news reporter, just like Alfred's cover-up carreer, and you were visiting the Twin Towers in New York to interview a business man; you can't remember his name.

Luckily, you were coming back from lunch across town when you heard the noise. You looked up and to your left at the left tower, which was attacked by a plane. You noticed a flying object at the tail of the hunk of metal. It was in the shape of a person, and you knew very well who it was.

"Shit!", you whispered to yourself as you sprinted towards the building.

As others ran the opposite direction, you went against the current of people, keeping your eye on the tower. It had been hit, but, thankfully, it was still standing. You let out a shakey sigh, in slight relief.

But, once you thought all your worried were settled, another plane came crashing into the second building at an angle, sending the first hit tower crashing down. With that second plane, you watched as your loved one was hit by the nose of the plane.

"No!", you yelled as you sprinted.

A gust of heavy wind from the crash of the tower stopped you. Chunks of debris came flying your way, a large piece hitting your leg and breaking it on impact. You knelt to the ground in excruciating pain, needing support from someone else's dead body just to stand back up.

It may sound absurd
But don't be nïeve
Even heros have the right to bleed

You limped to your destination, hoping to find Alfred. Oh, you found him, but lying on the ground with blood covering his face. His blue, red, and yellow superhero outfit had been cut through in multiple areas. Shards if glass had found their way into his body. His breathing was slow and shakey, and he sounded like he was dying.

"Alfr-...", you caught yourself, "-Superman? Are you alright...?", you asked in a caring voice.

Alfred opened his eyes and looked at you with a strained smile.

"I'm perfectly fine, ma'am. But, I can't help but tell ya that I'm weak. There must be Kryptonite here...somewhere...on the...plane...", he struggled to explain.

I may be disturbed
But won't you concede
Even heros have the right to dream
And it's not easy
To be me

"....Alfred, you need help", you used his real name.

You attempted to get up, but he reached up and grabbed your wrist, keeping you near him. You looked back down at him and took a knee. He smiled at you again.

"You said...the exact same thing...when we...met", he said in a breathy tone.

His grip started to loosen and his eyes were fluttering closed. You shook your head as his hand started to slip from your wrist. You took it up in your hands and held it close.

"No, no, no, no, no...Alfred? Alfred, stay with me, sweetie. W-We'll get you help", you tried to keep him awake.

Up, up, and away
Away from me
Well it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy
Or anything

He was losing blood, and fast. You could feel his body go colder and colder. You constantly shook him to keep your boyfriend with you.

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that nïeve
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

A light chuckle came from him. You looked at him, wondering why he was laughing.

"________", he started, "Do you remember...where I took you....for our...first date...?", he asked softly.

His eyes glanced up at you for an answer, a bloody smile on his face. You nodded at him, returning his smile but unable to hold back a few tears.

"McDonalds in 1999; How could I forget", you answered, holding his hand closer as you laughed a bit.

"....And...when I asked marry me...?"

Your tears became heavier, sniffling a little as you became unable to answer. He hadn't asked you just yet.

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me

"I was on my way ask you. But, then...this...happened", he croaked. "________", he tried to speak.

"Alfred, I-"

He put a hand on your cheek, just wanting you to listen.

Inside of me, inside of me
Inside of me, inside of me

"I know it's cliché, but...I really did...fall in love with you...the moment I...saw you. The past...2 years...are enough to keep me happy....forever. And I have loved you...from our first days...until the end of my days...and every moment after", he grinned sheepishly.

I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
I'm only a man looking for her dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy

His hand started to slip from your cheek, and you held it there for a moment. You couldn't find any words to tell him, but you could hear the spaces between his breathing getting longer and longer.

"...I love you, too, Alfred...", you cried silently.

It's not easy
To be

"... and I'm so sorry...".

You heard him release his last breath, but you kept his hand on your face as if he would come back.


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